Thread: Basic Doubt on Pointers

  1. #16
    Registered User awsdert's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Salem View Post
    > I never said it was a complete solution,
    No, it was never a solution to the problem at all, and never could be made into a solution to the problem.
    Wrong, as someone previously mentioned the implementations of allocators tend to provide that information nearby the pointer they give you, so assuming one does not care about portability they can in fact grab this information and then verify it with a function like the isPointerValid() I posted, therefore it IS a partial solution, it's just for the half that verifies X instead of retrieving X, no solution that relies on implementation details should ever skip the verification stage, even if it has limited verification abilities.

  2. #17
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    Just to add my two cents to the OP's problem...

    I found that, whenever possible, I need to make my arrays +1. Then I can store the total items in the array in the first position. `array[0] = total`.

    Now, if it is a numeric array, adding the total isn't a problem (usually). If it's a char array, you can use an `itoa` or `sprintf` function to add it to the first position. `sprintf(array[0], "%s", total)`

    Then when you send the array to another function, the first thing you do is unpack the array:
    int total = array[0];
    char *new_array = &array[1];
    int total = atoi(array[0]);
    char *new_array = &array[1];
    Although I don't know how others feel about this method, I find it very reasonable when dealing with multiple arrays/functions.
    Last edited by Yonut; 02-14-2022 at 06:06 PM. Reason: grammer

  3. #18
    Registered User awsdert's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yonut View Post
    Just to add my two cents to the OP's problem...

    I found that, whenever possible, I need to make my arrays +1. Then I can store the total items in the array in the first position. `array[0] = total`.

    Now, if it is a numeric array, adding the total isn't a problem (usually). If it's a char array, you can use an `itoa` or `sprintf` function to add it to the first position. `sprintf(array[0], "%s", total)`

    Then when you send the array to another function, the first thing you do is unpack the array:
    int total = array[0];
    char *new_array = &array[1];
    int total = atoi(array[0]);
    char *new_array = &array[1];
    Although I don't know how others feel about this method, I find it very reasonable when dealing with multiple arrays/functions.
    Well that's certainly one way to do it, I still prefer to just store the needed data in a common struct, here's one straight out of my code:

    typedef struct _BUFFER BUFFER, BUF, BUFF, STRING, STR;
    typedef uint*	(*objpos_cb)( void *obj );
    /* This is to be used on global buffers */
    typedef struct _NODES
    	LOCK*		_lock;
    	const ucap	Vsize;
    	/* voidNode attempts to avoid new allocations by storing terminated nodes
    	 * in erased, if it can't do that then it will actually de-allocate the
    	 * memory, voidCB will be called at this point */
    	BUFFER 		*shared, *erased;
    	object_cb	makeCB, termCB, voidCB;
    	objpos_cb	gaveCB;
    } NODES;
    #define INIT_NODES( T ) \
    	{ \
    		NULL, sizeof(T), NULL, NULL, \
    		_MAKE_##T, _TERM_##T, _VOID_##T, _GAVE_##T \
    struct _BUFFER
    	LOCK*	_lock;
    	bool	_uniq;
    	uint	_node;
    	dint	fault;
    	ucap	Vsize, bytes;
    	uint	total, count;
    	void*	array;
    extern NODES _buffers;
    I have some management functions to go along with both of these, Vsize refers to the size of individual elements, _lock is for thread safety, when it's not NULL it means no actions should be taken by the thread attempting to take control of the object until the thread that has it empties the lock, _uniq indicates that every element should be unique and 0 is reserved for deliberate failure (so improperly passed or initialised indices will cause NULL or 0 to be returned when using them to access the array), _node is just for indicating where in the parent buffer it the object can be found.

    As for nodes that's for garbage collection, they're global objects that note all the objects passed to it, it tries to preserve objects for re-assignment with the termCB function but will default to voidCB if it was unable to procure the memory for storing the index of the deleted object in the "erased" buffer, Vsize holds the same meaning but the "shared" buffer holds pointers which more often than not are a different size to what is stored so the Vsize parameter is used to allocate then 0 the memory for the object before passing onto makeCB to do it's thing, voidCB is called in the even of makeCB failing before de-allocating the memory and passing back to the caller, I use these functions because the actions are the same for any object I put in garbage collection and I don't want to repeat code that is better placed in a node management function.

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