The goal is to calculate the total mols in a binary mix given the total volume and vol% concentration.

Trying to pass 3 functions to another function, only two of which take an argument.

One error suggests incompatible type for argument 1 but I'm not seeing it.

The other error suggests the calling function is expecting a *(pointer?) Don't understand that one either.

Thanks for any help
#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

#define W_DENS 0.998       //Water density at 20 degrees C
#define E_DENS 07892       //Ethanol density at 20 degrees C
#define MM_W 18.0153       //Molar mass of water - grams per mol. Source NIST
#define MM_E 46.0684       //Molar mass of ethanot grams per mol. Source NIST
#define GAL2L 3.785411784  //Gallons to liters factor

/*********FUNCTION PROTOYPES*************************/
double abv_to_abw(double abv);   //convert alcohol by volume to alcohol by weight
double abw_to_mf_e(double abw);  //convert alcohol by weight to mol fraction of ethanol
double calc_total_mol(double get_input(), double abv_to_abw(double abv), double abw_to_mf_e(double abw));
double get_input(void);

int main()
    double total_mol = calc_total_mol(get_input(), abv_to_abw(abv), abw_to_mf_e(abw));
    printf("\ntotal mols = %lf", total_mol);
    return 0;

/*********FUNCTION DEFINITIONS*************************/

double get_input(void)
double input = 0;
scanf("%lf", &input);
return input;

//alcohol conversion functions abv to abw results are between 0 and 1 and only valid for input between 0 and 1
//From "On the Conversion of Alcohol by Edwin Croissant -  R1: 2014*02-16

double abv_to_abw(double abv)
    const double a = 0.00018684999875047631;
    const double b = 0.77602465132552556;
    const double c = 0.41803095099103116;
    const double d = -2.5221614925275091;
    const double f = 9.5827123045656251;
    const double g = -19.928886159385002;
    const double h = 24.165120890385651;
    const double i = -15.830262207383321;
    const double j = 4.3390473620304988;

    double temp = j;
    temp = temp * abv +i;
    temp = temp * abv +h;
    temp = temp * abv +g;
    temp = temp * abv +f;
    temp = temp * abv +d;
    temp = temp * abv +c;
    temp = temp * abv +b;
    double abw = temp * abv +a;

    return abw;

double abw_to_mf_e(double abw)
   double mf_e = abw / (abw + MM_E / MM_W * (1-abw));
   return mf_e;

double calc_total_mol(double get_input(), double abv_to_abw(double abv), double abw_to_mf_e(double abw))
    printf("\nEnter Wash Gallons");
    double wash_l = get_input() * GAL2L;

    printf("\nEnter ABV (between 0 and 1)");
    double abv = get_input();

    double water_mol = wash_l *(1-abv) *1000 *W_DENS / MM_W;
    double abw = abv_to_abw(abv);
    double eth_mol = abw_to_mf_e(abw);

    return water_mol + eth_mol;