Hello there

I'm progressing through a project with chained lists.

I made a bunch of utility functions to handle this type of structure as described in the project instructions :

typedef struct s_list
    struct s_list    *next;
    void            *data;
} t_list;
I went to test my code, and made a header that included this structure :

typedef struct s_list
    void            *data;
    struct s_list    *next;
} t_list;
This made my code misbehave in a way I really really don't understand. Example of a function to create an element :

#include "ft_list.h"

t_list    *ft_create_elem(void *data)
    t_list    *new;

    new = malloc(sizeof(*new));
    if (new == NULL)
        return (NULL);
    new->next = NULL;
    new->data = data;
    return (new);
Example of a function to add an element to the front of a list :

#include "ft_list.h"

void    ft_list_push_front(t_list **begin_list, void *data)
    t_list    *new;

    if (! begin_list)
        return ;
    new = ft_create_elem(data);
    if (new == NULL)
        return ;
    new->next = *begin_list;
    *begin_list = new;

As you can see, absolutely unremarkable, unoriginal functions which use ->next and ->data as you'd expect them to.

However, when coupled with my header file, this kind of wizardry happened :

new element address: 0x7fffea3ba2a0
new->data is: 0x7ffff2595952
list address: 0x7fffea3ba2a0
list->data: (nil)
list->next: 0x7ffff2595952
Only after I rectified my header to have next first and data second did the code work as intended :

new element address: 0x7fffebec12a0
new->data is: 0x7ffff44bc8a2
list address: 0x7fffebec12a0
list->data: 0x7ffff44bc8a2
list->next: (nil)
I compiled 3 c files together like this :

By using

gcc (my 3 files) -I .
To indicate to gcc that the header it was to use was located where I was... but I had several header files like this :

I would assume the problem was that several header files were being included... BUT I protected them adequately with

#ifndef FT_LIST_H
# define FT_LIST_H
What the hell happened here? I don't understand.