this program structure is for a simple text based adventure written in c 
it was written on Dev C 511 in the C programming language on windows 10	
Watch your back carefully sentient consciousnesses, enjoy.
i remember the loop in this before.              
might only contain one c library.

I am going to take some vocabulary liberties. 
This is because I can't program.									

VERSION .01 beta 		I am not doing your homework I am practicing.   

    // evaluate the variables
    // read the room description
    // input action
    // update variables
    // goto to evaluate

#include <stdio.h>   	// this opens the standard printf library in c
// #include <string.h>  // string manipulation and search library in c

// initialization of original variables
int 	room=0, 	key=0, 			gold=0, 	 	move_counter=0, lock=0, 
		potatoe=0, 	bucket=0,		dog=0,			fries=0,		dvdrom=0,
		list=1, 	temp_room=0,	inventory_list=1;
char move1[15]="a", move2[15]="a";

int read_description (int room, char move1[15], char move2[15]);

int list_commands (int list);

int inventory (int inventory_list);

int main (void)
	printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"); // clears the screen 
	// room=read_description (room, gold, move1, move2);
    while (room != 999)
		// list comands, inventory, or move
    	if ( move1[0] == '?' || ( move1[0] == 'h' && move1[1] == 'e' && move1[2] == 'l' && move1[3] == 'p' ) )
    		list_commands (list);
		else if ( ( move1[0] == 'i' && move1[1] == 'n' && move1[2] == 'v' ) || ( move2[0] == 'i' && move2[1] == 'n' && move2[2] == 'v') )
    		// printf("\nLISTING INVENTORY\n");
    		inventory (inventory_list);

				room=read_description (room, move1, move2);
		printf("\nType help for a list of commands.\nEnter a two word action:[ %d >" , move_counter);
    	scanf("%[^ ]%s", move1, move2);		// splits the string into two components.
		fflush(stdin);						// flushes the stdin incase more than 2 words used. 
    	printf("\nCommand: %s %s room: %d\n", move1, move2, room);
    	// These are all the directional and movements
	return 0;
} // end of main program

/* this is the room description reading function it will read al room descriptions */
int read_description (int room, char move1[15], char move2[15])
//char someletter;
	if 	( 
			( move1[0] == 'l' && move1[1] == 'o' && move1[2] == 'o'  ) || ( move2[0] == 'l' && move2[1] == 'o' && move2[2] == 'o') 
	    	{ printf("\nYou look around at your surroundings...\n"); }

	if (room == 0)
       	printf("Welcome to the Looking for My Doggy........\n");
       	printf("¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦+¦¦¦¦¦¦¦+¦¦+  ¦¦+¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦+     ¦¦¦¦¦+ ¦¦¦¦¦¦+ ¦¦+   ¦¦+¦¦¦¦¦¦¦+¦¦¦+   ¦¦+¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦+¦¦+   ¦¦+¦¦¦¦¦¦+ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦+\n");
       	printf("+--¦¦+--+¦¦+----++¦¦+¦¦+++--¦¦+--+    ¦¦+--¦¦+¦¦+--¦¦+¦¦¦   ¦¦¦¦¦+----+¦¦¦¦+  ¦¦¦+--¦¦+--+¦¦¦   ¦¦¦¦¦+--¦¦+¦¦+----+\n");
       	printf("   ¦¦¦   ¦¦¦¦¦+   +¦¦¦++    ¦¦¦       ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦  ¦¦¦¦¦¦   ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦+  ¦¦+¦¦+ ¦¦¦   ¦¦¦   ¦¦¦   ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦++¦¦¦¦¦+  \n");
       	printf("   ¦¦¦   ¦¦+--+   ¦¦+¦¦+    ¦¦¦       ¦¦+--¦¦¦¦¦¦  ¦¦¦+¦¦+ ¦¦++¦¦+--+  ¦¦¦+¦¦+¦¦¦   ¦¦¦   ¦¦¦   ¦¦¦¦¦+--¦¦+¦¦+--+  \n");
       	printf("   ¦¦¦   ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦+¦¦++ ¦¦+   ¦¦¦       ¦¦¦  ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦++ +¦¦¦¦++ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦+¦¦¦ +¦¦¦¦¦   ¦¦¦   +¦¦¦¦¦¦++¦¦¦  ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦+\n");
    	printf("   +-+   +------++-+  +-+   +-+       +-+  +-++-----+   +---+  +------++-+  +---+   +-+    +-----+ +-+  +-++------+\n");
        printf("\nPress Enter to Continue...\n");
    if (room == 1) 
	   // begin room 1 ************************************************************************	
       // if move == north
       if 	( 
		   		( room == 1 )  
		   		&& ( move1[0] == 'n' && move1[1] == 'o' && move1[2] == 'r' && move1[3] == 't' && move1[4] == 'h' ) 
				|| ( move2[0] == 'n' && move2[1] == 'o' && move2[2] == 'r' && move2[3] == 't' && move2[4] == 'h' )		
	if ( room == 1 )
       // you feel like you have been here before.
       printf("\nIt is a warm sunny day.\n");
       printf("You are walking down the sidewalk when all of a sudden your faithful puppy dog runs away from you.\n");
       printf("He heads off in the North direction. You are standing feeling flummoxed on the sidewalk of the road.\n");		
	} // end room 1 *************************************************************************
	if (room == 5 ) // if move == north
       	{ // begin room 5 ************************************************************************	
	  	if 	( 
	   			( room == 5 )  
		   		&& ( move1[0] == 'n' && move1[1] == 'o' && move1[2] == 'r' && move1[3] == 't' && move1[4] == 'h' ) 
				|| ( move2[0] == 'n' && move2[1] == 'o' && move2[2] == 'r' && move2[3] == 't' && move2[4] == 'h' )		
	   if 	( 
	   		( room == 5 ) 
			&& ( move1[0] == 's' && move1[1] == 'o' && move1[2] == 'u' && move1[3] == 't' && move1[4] == 'h' ) 
			|| ( move2[0] == 's' && move2[1] == 'o' && move2[2] == 'u' && move2[3] == 't' && move2[4] == 'h' )		
		if (room == 5)	
				printf("\nYou are now standing in front of a very creepy rundown house with broken windows and tattered walls.\n");
       			printf("As you begin to look at the house in amazement you see your faithful dog leap into the house through a window.\n");
       			printf("A cold breeze blows accross your shoulders. You can go North to the house entrance or South to the sidewalk.\n");
       } // end room 5 ************************************************************************	
	if (room == 10)
       { // begin room 10 ************************************************************************	
       	if 	( 
	   		( room == 10 && lock == 1 )
			&& ( move1[0] == 'n' && move1[1] == 'o' && move1[2] == 'r' && move1[3] == 't' && move1[4] == 'h' ) 
			|| ( room == 10 && lock == 1 ) 
			&& ( move2[0] == 'n' && move2[1] == 'o' && move2[2] == 'r' && move2[3] == 't' && move2[4] == 'h' )		
		else if ( 
	   			( room == 10 && lock == 0 ) 
				&& ( move1[0] == 'n' && move1[1] == 'o' && move1[2] == 'r' && move1[3] == 't' && move1[4] == 'h' ) 
				|| ( move2[0] == 'n' && move2[1] == 'o' && move2[2] == 'r' && move2[3] == 't' && move2[4] == 'h' )		
				printf("\nYou can't go that way the entrance door is locked!\n");
       // move the mat to see the key
	   if 	( 
		   		(room == 10)
					&& ( 
					(move1[0] == 't' && move1[1] == 'a' && move1[2] == 'k' && move1[3] == 'e')
			   		|| (move1[0] == 'g' && move1[1] == 'e' && move1[2] == 't')
			   		|| (move1[0] == 'u' && move1[1] == 's' && move1[2] == 'e')
			   		|| (move1[0] == 'g' && move1[1] == 'r' && move1[2] == 'a' && move1[3] == 'b')
			   		|| (move1[0] == 'm' && move1[1] == 'o' && move1[2] == 'v' && move1[3] == 'e')
					|| (move1[0] == 'l' && move1[1] == 'o' && move1[2] == 'o' && move1[3] == 'k')
				&& (move2[0] == 'm' && move2[1] == 'a' && move2[2] == 't')
				printf("\nYou reach and fumble with the mat it moves and you notice a key laying underneat it!\n");
		// get the key
	   if 	( 
		   		(room == 10)
		   			&& (
					( move1[0] == 't' && move1[1] == 'a' && move1[2] == 'k' && move1[3] == 'e' )
			   		|| (move1[0] == 'g' && move1[1] == 'e' && move1[2] == 't' )
			   		|| (move1[0] == 'u' && move1[1] == 's' && move1[2] == 'e' )
			   		|| ( move1[0] == 'g' && move1[1] == 'r' && move1[2] == 'a' && move1[3] == 'b' )
				&& ( move2[0] == 'k' && move2[1] == 'e' && move2[2] == 'y' )		
				if (key) 
				printf("\nYou grab the key and place it into your inventory.\n ROOM: %d Key %d \n" , room , key); 
				printf(" ROOM: %d  KEY %d\n", room, key);
				// printf("You grab the key and place it into your inventory.\n");
				// printf(" ROOM: %d  KEY %d\n", room, key);

		// use the key
	   if 	( 
		   		(room == 10 && key == 1) && (move1[0] == 'u' && move1[1] == 's' && move1[2] == 'e' )
			   	&& ( move2[0] == 'k' && move2[1] == 'e' && move2[2] == 'y' )		
				if (lock) {printf("\nYou place the key carefully into the lock and the door opens.\n"); }
				printf(" ROOM: %d  KEY %d\n", room, key);
		if (room == 10)	
       	printf("\nYou are now standing at the entrance to the house. There is a *welcome mat* here with a dirt on it.\n");
       	printf("There is no door knocker or doorbell. The door is painted a mushroom yellow and appears to be locked.\n");
       	printf("You can hear your dog whimpering from inside.\n");
    } // end room 10 ************************************************************************	
	if (room == 15 ) // if move == north
       { // begin room 15 ************************************************************************	
		 // get the gold bar
	   if 	( 
		   		(room == 15)
		   			&& (
					( move1[0] == 't' && move1[1] == 'a' && move1[2] == 'k' && move1[3] == 'e' )
			   		|| (move1[0] == 'g' && move1[1] == 'e' && move1[2] == 't' )
			   		|| (move1[0] == 'u' && move1[1] == 's' && move1[2] == 'e' )
			   		|| ( move1[0] == 'g' && move1[1] == 'r' && move1[2] == 'a' && move1[3] == 'b' )
					&& (
					( move2[0] == 'g' && move2[1] == 'o' && move2[2] == 'l' && move2[2] == 'd')	
					|| (move2[0] == 'b' && move2[1] == 'a' && move2[2] == 'r' )	
				if (gold) 
					printf("\nYou grab the gold bar from the floorboard and polish it a little.\n"); 
					printf("\nYou feel the somewhat heavy weight of it as you place it into your inventory.\n");
				// printf("You grab the key and place it into your inventory.\n");

		if (room == 15)
	       	printf("\nThis is the main hall of the house it is covered in dust.\n");
	       	printf("There is a large chandelier that has fallen and crashed onto the floor here opening a floorboard.\n");
	       	printf("Underneath the broken floor board lies what appears to be a glimmer of a metal gold bar.\n");

       } // end room 15 ************************************************************************	

return room; // returns the room int variable back to the main program.
} // end of room function

int list_commands ( int list )
	if ( list == 1)  // this is a list of available commands.
	       printf("\nThe following are a list of commands you may enter in lower case:\n");
	       printf("\ngo move north  south  east  west\n");
	       printf("look get take grab\n");
	       printf("open make use feed\n");
return 0;   

int inventory ( int inventory_list )
{ // begin function *************************************************************************
	if ( inventory_list == 1)  // this is a list of available commands.
	    	printf("\n\ninventory list\n");
	       	printf("gold bar %d\n", gold);
	       	printf("key %d\n", key);
	       	printf("bucket %d\n", bucket);
	       	printf("potatoe %d\n", potatoe);
	       	printf("french fries %d\n", fries);
	       	printf("dvdrom %d\n", dvdrom);	
return 0;   
} // end function *************************************************************************