Thread: Object getting wiped before it's supposed to

  1. #1
    Registered User awsdert's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Object getting wiped before it's supposed to

    Lee Shallis / glEngine * GitLab

    I managed to construct the randomised GFX_IMAGE for my 3rd "model" (just a triangle, will apply collisions later which is why all my test triangles are given their own models) but as by the time it's supposed to get assigned a GPU ID it's somehow been cleared of data, as a result it segfaults during the attempt to use it's stored pointer to a global cache management object (GFX) during a call to WantGfxImageGpuId(), I'm stumped as to where it's occurring, someone mind taking a look and seeing if they can spot it, the 2 main functions to look at are LuanchCore() & WantTestModels()

    For people who come after any new uploads:
    Files * 112650ec3b2c3918269a072cf8af463b529c80ea * Lee Shallis / glEngine * GitLab

  2. #2
    Registered User awsdert's Avatar
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    Jan 2015
    Despite managing to somehow get past the NULL pointer issue I've now encountered an issue with runtime that leads to the system killing the app without leaving any clues as to what caused the situation, because of this I'm just gonna start again while using this as a reference.

  3. #3
    Registered User awsdert's Avatar
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    Jan 2015
    Just in case anyone's still looking, I restarted the engine part from scratch, created a project called dragonbuilder (because I plan to re-implement the Dragon Quest Builders 2 engine on linux) and copied only the unrelated code that I knew was already working and just started from scratch, got all the basics down before I tried putting a triangle on screen, somehow not getting that triangle though despite the indices and caches being accepted by opengl, I know I'm missing something but don't know what yet. For anyone who want's to have a look the url is

    Lee Shallis / Dragonbuilder * GitLab

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