Am I being dumb and missing a blatant code error?
I'm pretty new to the C language so keep that in mind if you see the mistake.

I'll include everything I think you'll need in here.

where the student structure is defined

typedef struct {

  char Nome[64];
  char Cognome[64];
  char Matricola[64];

} student;

Where the values get inserted:

int w_input_handler (void) {

    int records = 0;
    int index   = 0;

    printf("\nHow many students would you like to add?\n");
    scanf("%d", &records);

    file_array = (student *)  malloc(records * sizeof(student));
    if (file_array == NULL) {
            printf("\nMemory allocation error\n");
            return -1;

    for (index = 0; index < records; index++) {

            printf("\nEnter name of person %d: ", (index+1));
            scanf("%s", (*(file_array + index)).Nome);

            printf("\nEnter surname of person %d: ", (index+1));
            scanf("%s", (*(file_array + index)).Cognome);

            printf("\nEnter student id of person %d: ", (index+1));
            scanf("%s", (*(file_array + index)).Matricola);


     new_text_file = fopen(o_option_argument, "ab");

    if (new_text_file) {
            for(index = 0; index < records; index++) {
                return_value = fwrite((file_array + index), sizeof(student), 1, new_text_file);


Here's where I'm getting the segmentation fault on the strstr function:

the *input that gets passed as the value here is just a basic (find_name was declared as a pointer, of course)

scanf("%s", find_name);
int find_name_function(char *input) {

    int records           = 30;
    int index             =  0;
    int number_of_matches =  0;
    int return_value;
    char *ret             = NULL;

    student *read_file_array  = (student *) malloc(records * sizeof(student));

    new_text_file = fopen(o_option_argument, "rb");
    if (new_text_file) {

        while (1) {

            return_value = fread((read_file_array + index), sizeof(student), 1, new_text_file);
            if (return_value != 1) {

            ret = strstr(((*(read_file_array + (index))).Nome), input);
            if (ret) {

                printf("\nFound student:\n");
                printf("\nName >%s<\n", (*(read_file_array + (index))).Nome);
                printf("\nSurname >%s<\n", (*(read_file_array + (index))).Cognome);
                printf("\nMatricola >%s<\n", (*(read_file_array + (index))).Matricola);

I'm sorry if it seems a bit confusing or anything like that, I'd gladly give anything else you might want