
I'm trying to create a scrolling feature for a webpage index. I'm trying to find a way to determine the width of a string.

For example, I have two strings with 20 characters:

As you can see the width of the strings are different. Is there a way I can determine the width of a string. I don't care what unit they are measured in, I only want to be able to use a value, and from there I can determine what is to be done.

Doing lots of searching isn't helping as the terms seem to be pretty generic. I did come across something talking about `GetTextMetrics`, but that seems to be for cpp. Is there something equivalent in c?

Any insight is appreciated.

Failing this, it looks like I will have to figure out a lookup table based on character ratios. It looks like the two strings above, uppercase `W` is ~4x bigger than lowercase `i`.
