Thread: Solve maze backtracking

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2020

    Solve maze backtracking

    I'm trying to solve a maze from 'S' to 'E', then printing the solution with a '.' in each cell from the path. The maze is:
    #S                                                                  #          #
    ################################################################### # ######## #
    #                                                           ####### # ##    ## #
    # ######################################################### #       # ## ## ## #
    # # #E                                                    # ####### # ## ## ## #
    # # ##################################################### #         # ## #  ## #
    # #                                                       ######### # ## ## ## #
    # ####################################################### # #       # ## ## ## #
    # #                                                         # ##### # ## ## ## #
    # # ####################################################### # # ### # ## ## ## #
    # # #        #########################                      # #     # ## ## ## #
    # # # ######                         ######################## ##### # ## ## ## #
    # # # ## ### ####################### # ##     ###     ##    ##    # # ## ## ## #
    # # #  #     #                       #    ###     ###    ##    #### # ## ## ## #
    # # ## ############################# # ############################ # ## ## ## #
    # # ## #                        ###  #                            # # ## ## ## #
    # # ## # ########### ############   ## ############################## ## ## ## #
    # #    #           # #            ####                                #  ###   #
    # ################ # ####### ######### ##############################   #### # #
    #                # # #                                            # ########## #
    ######## ######### # ############################################## #          #
    #                  #                                                  ### ######
    My code so far:
    #include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdbool.h>
    #define MAX 1000
    #define HEIGHT 24
    #define WIDTH 81
    void storeMaze(int N, int M, int matrix[N][M], FILE *fp);
    int countLines(FILE *fp);
    int countColumns(FILE *fp);
    void back(int step);
    bool isSolution(int x_next, int y_next);
    int dx[4]= {0, 0, -1, 1};
    int dy[4] = {-1, 1, 0, 0};
    int start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y;
    int main(int argc, char **argv)
        if(argc != 2)
            fprintf(stderr, "Invalid format.\nCorrect format: %s maze_file.dat\n", argv[0]);
        FILE *fin = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
            fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open file: %s\n", argv[1]);
        int N = countLines(fin); // lines in the matrix
        int M = countColumns(fin); // columns in the matrix
    //  printf("Lines: %d | Columns: %d\n", N, M);
        int maze[N][M];
    	int sol[N][M];
        storeMaze(N, M, maze, fin);
    //	printf("Lines: %d | Columns: %d\n", N, M);//24 81
        return 0;
    void storeMaze(int N, int M, int matrix[N][M], FILE *fp)
        int z=0, i;
        char buf[1000];
    	while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fp))
     		for(i = 0; buf[i] != '\n' && z < N; i++)
    			if(buf[i] == '#')
            		matrix[z][i] = 0;
            	else if(buf[i] == ' ')
            		matrix[z][i] = 1;
    				putchar(' ');
    			else if(buf[i] == 'S')
    				start_x = z;
    				start_y = i;
    				matrix[z][i] = 2;
    			else if(buf[i] == 'E')
    				end_x = z;
    				end_y = i;
    				matrix[z][i] = 3;
         		//printf("%d ", matrix[z][i]);
    	printf("The starting point: (%d,%d)\n", start_x, start_y);
    	printf("The end point: (%d,%d)\n", end_x, end_y);
    int countLines(FILE *fp)
        char c;
        int count = 0;
        while((c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF)
            if (c == '\n') // Increment count if this character is newline
        return count;
    int countColumns(FILE *fp)
        char c;
        int count = 0;
        while((c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF)
            if (c == '\n') // Increment count if this character is newline
        return count;
    void back(int step)
    	int v, x_next, y_next, maze[HEIGHT][WIDTH];
    	int x_current = start_x, y_current = start_y;
    	for(v = 0; v < 4; v++)
    		x_next = x_current + dx[v];
    		y_next = y_current + dy[v];
    		if(x_next >= 0 && y_next >= 0 && x_next < HEIGHT && y_next < WIDTH) //check not to overstep matrix
    			x_current = x_next;
    			y_current = y_next;
    			maze[x_current][y_current] = ' ';
    			if(isSolution(x_next, y_next) == true)
    				printf("Solution found\n");
    		x_current = x_current - dx[v]; // redo the movement if it's not valid
    		y_current = y_current - dy[v];
    		maze[x_current][y_current] = 0; // put a wall here to not return after backtracking
    bool isSolution(int x_next, int y_next)
    	if((x_next == end_x) && (y_next == end_y))
    		return true;
    		return false;
    I've successfully stored the maze inside the matrix, however, I can't use the sizes in other functions, unless I define them as macros. Can I change this?
    Also, instead of the back function, I also saw algorithms using something like:
    bool findPath(char maze[WIDTH][HEIGHT], int x, int y) {
        maze[x][y] = 'h';
        if (x == WIDTH - 1 && y == HEIGHT - 1) {
            return true;
        if (x + 1 < WIDTH && maze[x + 1][y] == ' ') {
            if (findPath(maze, x + 1, y)) {
                return true;
        if (x - 1 >= 0 && maze[x - 1][y] == ' ') {
            if (findPath(maze, x - 1, y)) {
                return true;
        if (y + 1 < HEIGHT && maze[x][y + 1] == ' ') {
            if (findPath(maze, x, y + 1)) {
                return true;
        if (y - 1 >= 0 && maze[x][y - 1] == ' ') {
            if (findPath(maze, x, y - 1)) {
                return true;
        maze[x][y] = ' ';
        return false;
    void printMaze(char maze[WIDTH][HEIGHT]) {
        for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < HEIGHT; j++) {
                        printf("%c ", maze[i][j]);
    But I get invalid type warnings if I try to call these in main, using the maze with sizes N and M. Which one would be better to use and how can I solve the issues?

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2020
    I've updated the code:
    [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]#[COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]include[/COLOR] [COLOR=var(--highlight-variable)]<stdio.h>[/COLOR][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]#[COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]include[/COLOR] [COLOR=var(--highlight-variable)]<stdlib.h>[/COLOR][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]#[COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]include[/COLOR] [COLOR=var(--highlight-variable)]<stdbool.h>[/COLOR][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]#[COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]define[/COLOR] MAX 1000[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]#[COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]define[/COLOR] HEIGHT 24[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]#[COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]define[/COLOR] WIDTH 81[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]void[/COLOR] [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]storeMaze[/COLOR]([COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] N, [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] M, [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] matrix[N][M], FILE *fp);
    [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]countLines[/COLOR](FILE *fp);
    [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]countColumns[/COLOR](FILE *fp);
    [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]find_path[/COLOR]([COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] x, [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] y, [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] maze[HEIGHT][WIDTH]);
    [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]void[/COLOR] [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]printMaze[/COLOR]([COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] maze[HEIGHT][WIDTH]);
    [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y;
    [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]main[/COLOR]([COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] argc, [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]char[/COLOR] **argv)
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]if[/COLOR](argc != [COLOR=var(--highlight-namespace)]2[/COLOR])
            [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]fprintf[/COLOR]([COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]stderr[/COLOR], [COLOR=var(--highlight-variable)]"Invalid format.\nCorrect format: %s maze_file.dat\n"[/COLOR], argv[[COLOR=var(--highlight-namespace)]0[/COLOR]]);
        FILE *fin = fopen(argv[[COLOR=var(--highlight-namespace)]1[/COLOR]], [COLOR=var(--highlight-variable)]"rb"[/COLOR]);
            [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]fprintf[/COLOR]([COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]stderr[/COLOR], [COLOR=var(--highlight-variable)]"Couldn't open file: %s\n"[/COLOR], argv[[COLOR=var(--highlight-namespace)]1[/COLOR]]);
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] N = countLines(fin); [COLOR=var(--highlight-comment)]// lines in the matrix[/COLOR]
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] M = countColumns(fin); [COLOR=var(--highlight-comment)]// columns in the matrix[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=var(--highlight-comment)]//  printf("Lines: %d | Columns: %d\n", N, M);[/COLOR]
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] maze[N][M];
    [COLOR=var(--highlight-comment)]//  int sol[N][M];[/COLOR]
        storeMaze(N, M, maze, fin);
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]if[/COLOR](find_path(start_x, start_y, maze) == [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]true[/COLOR])
            [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]printf[/COLOR]([COLOR=var(--highlight-variable)]"No solution!\n"[/COLOR]);
    [COLOR=var(--highlight-comment)]//  printf("Lines: %d | Columns: %d\n", N, M);//24 81[/COLOR]
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]return[/COLOR] [COLOR=var(--highlight-namespace)]0[/COLOR];
    [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]void[/COLOR] [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]storeMaze[/COLOR]([COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] N, [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] M, [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] matrix[N][M], FILE *fp)
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] z=[COLOR=var(--highlight-namespace)]0[/COLOR], i;
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]char[/COLOR] buf[[COLOR=var(--highlight-namespace)]1000[/COLOR]];
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]while[/COLOR] (fgets(buf, [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]sizeof[/COLOR] buf, fp))
            [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]for[/COLOR](i = [COLOR=var(--highlight-namespace)]0[/COLOR]; buf[i] != [COLOR=var(--highlight-variable)]'\n'[/COLOR] && z < N; i++)
                [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]if[/COLOR](buf[i] == [COLOR=var(--highlight-variable)]'#'[/COLOR])
                    matrix[z][i] = [COLOR=var(--highlight-namespace)]0[/COLOR];
                [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]else[/COLOR] [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]if[/COLOR](buf[i] == [COLOR=var(--highlight-variable)]' '[/COLOR])
                    matrix[z][i] = [COLOR=var(--highlight-namespace)]1[/COLOR];
                    [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]putchar[/COLOR]([COLOR=var(--highlight-variable)]' '[/COLOR]);
                [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]else[/COLOR] [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]if[/COLOR](buf[i] == [COLOR=var(--highlight-variable)]'S'[/COLOR])
                    start_x = z;
                    start_y = i;
                    matrix[z][i] = [COLOR=var(--highlight-namespace)]2[/COLOR];
                [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]else[/COLOR] [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]if[/COLOR](buf[i] == [COLOR=var(--highlight-variable)]'E'[/COLOR])
                    end_x = z;
                    end_y = i;
                    matrix[z][i] = [COLOR=var(--highlight-namespace)]3[/COLOR];
                [COLOR=var(--highlight-comment)]//printf("%d ", matrix[z][i]);[/COLOR]
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]printf[/COLOR]([COLOR=var(--highlight-variable)]"The starting point: (%d,%d)\n"[/COLOR], start_x, start_y);
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]printf[/COLOR]([COLOR=var(--highlight-variable)]"The end point: (%d,%d)\n"[/COLOR], end_x, end_y);
    [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]countLines[/COLOR](FILE *fp)
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]char[/COLOR] c;
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] count = [COLOR=var(--highlight-namespace)]0[/COLOR];
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]while[/COLOR]((c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF)
            [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]if[/COLOR] (c == [COLOR=var(--highlight-variable)]'\n'[/COLOR]) [COLOR=var(--highlight-comment)]// Increment count if this character is newline[/COLOR]
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]return[/COLOR] count;
    [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]countColumns[/COLOR](FILE *fp)
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]char[/COLOR] c;
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] count = [COLOR=var(--highlight-namespace)]0[/COLOR];
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]while[/COLOR]((c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF)
            [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]if[/COLOR] (c == [COLOR=var(--highlight-variable)]'\n'[/COLOR]) [COLOR=var(--highlight-comment)]// Increment count if this character is newline[/COLOR]
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]return[/COLOR] count;
    [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]find_path[/COLOR]([COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] x, [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] y, [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] maze[HEIGHT][WIDTH])
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-comment)]// If x,y is outside maze, return false.[/COLOR]
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]if[/COLOR] ( x < [COLOR=var(--highlight-namespace)]0[/COLOR] || x > HEIGHT - [COLOR=var(--highlight-namespace)]1[/COLOR] || y < [COLOR=var(--highlight-namespace)]0[/COLOR] || y > WIDTH - [COLOR=var(--highlight-namespace)]1[/COLOR] ) 
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]return[/COLOR] [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]false[/COLOR];
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-comment)]// If x,y is the goal, return true.[/COLOR]
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]if[/COLOR] ( maze[y][x] == [COLOR=var(--highlight-namespace)]3[/COLOR] ) [COLOR=var(--highlight-comment)]// 'E' - end point [/COLOR]
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]return[/COLOR] [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]true[/COLOR];
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-comment)]// If x,y is not open, return false.[/COLOR]
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]if[/COLOR] ( maze[y][x] != [COLOR=var(--highlight-namespace)]1[/COLOR] && maze[y][x] != [COLOR=var(--highlight-namespace)]2[/COLOR] ) 
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]return[/COLOR] [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]false[/COLOR];
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-comment)]// Mark x,y part of solution path.[/COLOR]
        maze[y][x] = [COLOR=var(--highlight-variable)]'.'[/COLOR];
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-comment)]// If find_path North of x,y is true, return true.[/COLOR]
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]if[/COLOR] ( find_path(x, y - [COLOR=var(--highlight-namespace)]1[/COLOR], maze) == [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]true[/COLOR] ) 
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]return[/COLOR] [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]true[/COLOR];
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-comment)]// If find_path East of x,y is true, return true.[/COLOR]
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]if[/COLOR] ( find_path(x + [COLOR=var(--highlight-namespace)]1[/COLOR], y, maze) == [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]true[/COLOR] ) 
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]return[/COLOR] [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]true[/COLOR];
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-comment)]// If find_path South of x,y is true, return true.[/COLOR]
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]if[/COLOR] ( find_path(x, y + [COLOR=var(--highlight-namespace)]1[/COLOR], maze) == [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]true[/COLOR] ) 
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]return[/COLOR] [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]true[/COLOR];
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-comment)]// If find_path West of x,y is true, return true.[/COLOR]
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]if[/COLOR] ( find_path(x - [COLOR=var(--highlight-namespace)]1[/COLOR], y, maze) == [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]true[/COLOR] ) 
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]return[/COLOR] [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]true[/COLOR];
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-comment)]// Unmark x,y as part of solution path.[/COLOR]
        maze[y][x] = [COLOR=var(--highlight-namespace)]0[/COLOR]; [COLOR=var(--highlight-comment)]// mark this as a wall[/COLOR]
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]return[/COLOR] [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]false[/COLOR];
    [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]void[/COLOR] [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]printMaze[/COLOR]([COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] maze[HEIGHT][WIDTH]) {
        [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]for[/COLOR] ([COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] i = [COLOR=var(--highlight-namespace)]0[/COLOR]; i < HEIGHT; i++) {
                [COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]for[/COLOR] ([COLOR=var(--highlight-keyword)]int[/COLOR] j = [COLOR=var(--highlight-namespace)]0[/COLOR]; j < WIDTH; j++) {
                        [COLOR=var(--highlight-literal)]printf[/COLOR]([COLOR=var(--highlight-variable)]"%d "[/COLOR], maze[i][j]);
    But I'm not getting any solution.
    Last edited by rmmstn; 04-13-2021 at 06:27 AM.

  3. #3
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    The edge of the known universe
    > void storeMaze(int N, int M, int matrix[N][M], FILE *fp);
    If you can do this,

    then you should be able to do this
    bool findPath(int N, int M, char maze[N][M], int x, int y)

    But I would suggest you start with the simplest non-trivial maze possible for your initial tests.
    int main ( ) {
      char maze[][7] = {
        "#S   #",
        "### ##",
    All the elements of
    - moving forward
    - finding a choice point
    - backtracking when you find a dead end
    are covered in this really simple example.

    If it works with this, then your 70x50 or however large maze is should stand a chance.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

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