Thread: error: illegal hardware instruction

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Dec 2017

    error: illegal hardware instruction


    I am playing around with C and i tried to create a simple program that stores account numbers and names in a struct array.

    To register these parameters i used a int function called registerNewAccount that saves the input from the user. Afterwards i call a struct function (createaccount) to store these parameters. The reason for using a struct function is because i later want to use the function for filehandling (reading and writing to file).

    But when i run the program i get the error:
    "[1] 41323 illegal hardware instruction"

    The error is regarding line 119, which i have highlighted. If i comment that line the program works without any errors.

    I have attached a photo of the two functions (registerNewAccount & createaccount)

    Could someone take a look and perhaps point to where i have made a mistake?

    Here is how my struct looks if thats needed;
    struct Bank
        char surName[30];
        char lastName[30];
        char accountNumber[6];
        int balance;
    typedef struct Bank bank;
    Attached Images Attached Images error: illegal hardware instruction-ska-rmavbild-2021-03-24-kl-12-53-18-jpg 

  2. #2
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    It's better if you post code between code tags, instead of fuzzy pictures.
    It's better when you post code between code tags, that you "paste as text", rather than the washed out colour scheme of your IDE.

    What is the size of your bank array?
    What value is numberofAccounts when you call this function.

    A copy/paste of your console showing what you typed is also useful.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  3. #3
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    Dec 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Salem View Post
    It's better if you post code between code tags, instead of fuzzy pictures.
    It's better when you post code between code tags, that you "paste as text", rather than the washed out colour scheme of your IDE.

    What is the size of your bank array?
    What value is numberofAccounts when you call this function.

    A copy/paste of your console showing what you typed is also useful.

    Okay thanks. The bank array is set to 100 and numberofaccounts is initialized as 0.

    Here is the entire code so far:
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #define MAX 1000;
    #define charachter 30;
    struct Bank
        char surName[30];
        char lastName[30];
        char accountNumber[6];
        int balance;
    typedef struct Bank bank;
    int registerNewAccount(bank b[], int numberofAccounts);
    void printAllAccounts(bank b[], int numberofAccounts);
    void sortAccounts(bank b[]);
    void changeBalance(bank b);
    int menu(bank b[], int numberofAccounts);
    void saveToFile(bank b[]);
    void readFromFile(bank b);
    bank createaccount(char accountnumber[], char surname[], char lastname[], int balance);
    int main(void)
        int numberofAccounts = 0;
        bank b[100];
        numberofAccounts = menu(b, numberofAccounts);
    int menu(bank b[], int numberofAccounts)
        int val, a[1000] = {0}, size;
        size = sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]);
        for (;;)
                "(1) Register new account\n"
                "(2) Show all accounts\n"
                "(9) Exit\n"
                "Ange val:\n");
            scanf("%d", &val);
            switch (val)
            case 1:
                numberofAccounts = registerNewAccount(b, numberofAccounts);
            case 2:
                printAllAccounts(b, numberofAccounts);
                printf("Number of accounts = %d\n", numberofAccounts);
    int registerNewAccount(bank b[], int numberofAccounts)
        char accountnumber[30], surname[30], lastname[30];
        int balance;
        char quit[] = "q";
        printf("Number of accounts: %d", numberofAccounts);
        for (;;)
            printf("Register new Account\n");
            printf("Assign a new account number (6 digits) (q to quit): ");
                scanf("%s", accountnumber);
                if (strcmp(accountnumber, quit) == 0)
                    printf("You have choosen quit");
                    return 0;
            } while (strlen(accountnumber) < 6);
            printf("Assign a name surname and lastname: ");
            scanf("%s %s", surname, lastname);
            balance = 0;
            b[numberofAccounts] = createaccount(accountnumber, surname, lastname, balance);
        return numberofAccounts;
    bank createaccount(char accountnumber[], char surname[], char lastname[], int balance){
        bank b;
        strcpy(b.accountNumber, accountnumber);
        strcpy(b.surName, surname);
        strcpy(b.lastName, lastname);
        b.balance = balance;
        return b;
    And this is what the console says:


    (1) Register new account
    (2) Show all accounts
    (9) Exit
    Number of accounts: 0
    Register new Account:
    Assign a new account number (6 digits) (q to quit): 123456
    Assign a name surname and lastname: hello world
    [1] 43041 illegal hardware instruction

    But when i comment out the line "b[numberofAccounts] = createaccount(accountnumber, surname, lastname, balance);"
    which is in the function registerNewAccount, everything is fine.
    Last edited by abmoh; 03-24-2021 at 07:46 AM.

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    On problem is this. You have accountNumber defined as this:
    char accountNumber[6];
    This can accept a maximum number of 5 characters, because you need space for the null ('\0') terminator. So when you do this:

    Assign a new account number (6 digits) (q to quit): 123456

    You've written beyond the end of your array and invoked undefined behavior.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by rags_to_riches View Post
    On problem is this. You have accountNumber defined as this:
    char accountNumber[6];
    This can accept a maximum number of 5 characters, because you need space for the null ('\0') terminator. So when you do this:

    Assign a new account number (6 digits) (q to quit): 123456

    You've written beyond the end of your array and invoked undefined behavior.
    Thank you it's working now. I forgot strings needed space for the null character

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