C program. IDE used is Xcode v12.2

After typing the letter 'S' to show results, the program displays two outputs. But when entering the letters 'P' or 'R', the program displays normal output.

Redundant output-screenshot-2020-12-16-11-25-20-am-png

bool done = false;
        bool unsure = true;
        bool showS = true;
        while (unsure)
            unsure = false;
            if (showS)
                puts(" Enter 'S' to show results");
            puts(" Enter 'P' to play another round");
            puts(" Enter 'R' to return to main menu");
            char choice;
            printf(" ");
            scanf("%c", &choice);
            if (choice == 'r' || choice == 'R')
                done = true;
                ///////////////////////// Changes    /////////////
                g = 0;
                // calculate total score for current round
                for (i = 0; i < MAX_TESTS; i++)
                    g += test[i].grade;    //add score of each question
                allScore += g;    //add current round's score to total
                avg = allScore / rounds;    //average of all rounds
                if (g > highest)
                    highest = g;
                if (g < lowest)
                    lowest = g;
                if (choice == 'S' || choice == 's')
                    showS = false;
                    if (rounds == 1)
                        printf(" Final score: %d/100\n", g);    //display round score
                        printf(" ******Player: %s ******\n", name);
                        printf(" Round %d score: %d/100\n", rounds, g);    //display round score
                        printf(" Highest score: %d/100\n", highest);
                        printf(" Lowest score: %d/100\n", lowest);
                        printf(" Average score: %d/100\n", avg);
                        printf(" ******Player: %s ******\n", name);
                    unsure = true;
                else if (choice == 'P' || choice == 'p')
                         /// nothing to be done here
                    //we will display next test
                    puts(" Invalid input!");
                    unsure = true;
        if (done)
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.