I want to program a version of the Tic-Tac-Toe game using C, in which we have 'n × n' board decided by the user, and the loser is decided by the first who get first 'n' X's or O's in a row or column etc..

One of the requirements is to let the players be able to undo multiple steps, that means to get back to the board status as it was a couple of steps ago by entering a negative odd number.

For example, if player 1 entered '-3' as the row index, the game needs to revert back how it was 3 steps before (in case there has already been 3 steps done within the game), show the board and give the turn to player 2.

Any idea how I would be able to make such a function ill be very thankful if someone do it for me its just my 4th week with c https://dreamincode.net/forums/publi...helpsmilie.gif
