Hi. I am new here and barely new at C programming too. I need to write a code, the main objective is the a program that manage the catalog of books sold by an online book store in electronic format.

To do this, i must use the methodology described below.

The BookWeb online store wants an application to keep track of its book catalog in a format
electronic. For the management of all information, and according to the possibilities to include, it is suggested (not
required) the following structure, although incomplete:
• Book data
◦ Title
◦ Author (s)
◦ Editor
◦ eBook format: ePUB, mobi, pdf, others
◦ Thematic Classification and possible subcategories (see below)
◦ List of other related author books
◦ Other related books by other authors
◦ Reader ratings (0 to 5 stars)
◦ Price and year of publication
◦ Units sold
• Bestseller list
• List of news
• List of promotions

I already wrote a bit of the code, but it haves many errors. I know im asking a significant amount of work.. Thank you for your attention.