Hi everyone !
I've started learning python a few months ago, but I'm stuck since a few weeks on a C script.

I've got an array :
char local_1 [4] : FF 5F 09 CF

and I have this code

if ((byte)(local_1[0] - 0x30U) < 10 {
   mac1 = (short) local_1[0] + -0x30;
else {
   if ((byte)(local_1[0] +0xbfU) < 6 {
   mac1 = (short) local_1[0] + -0x37;
      else {
         if ((byte)(local_1[0] +0x9fU) < 6 {
         mac1 = (short) local_1[0] + -0x57;
            else {
               mac1 = 0x10
I would tend to say first of all that local_1[0] = FF

The line that i don't understand is (byte)(FF-0x30) =?

Does the result refer to the number of bits in the result of the substraction?

FF-0x30 = CF in hex = 207 in decimal = 11001111 in bin

so the answer would equal 8 ?

Thanks very much for your precious help