Understood. Please apply at least some of my suggestions above.

You need to study a good book on the C Programming Language, cover to cover, and do all the exercises at the end of each chapter! Choose one of the three listed below:

C Programming, A Modern Approach
Author: K. N. King

C Primer Plus, 6th Edition
Stephen Prata

C How to Program, 8/e
Deitel & Deitel

My updated code follows:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int Orange = 0;
    int Apple = 0;
    int Pear = 0;
    int Budget = 0;
    char ItemChosen = 0;
    int RemainingBudget = 0;

    printf("Please enter the price of Oranges :");
    scanf(" %d", &Orange);
    printf("Please enter the price of Apples :");
    scanf(" %d", &Apple);
    printf("Please enter the price of Pears :");
    scanf(" %d", &Pear);

    printf("Hello and welcome to my fruit shop\n");
    printf("Please enter your budget : ");
    scanf(" %d", &Budget);

    printf("Shop Menu : \n");
    printf("Item:       Price:\n");
    printf("O:          %d\n", Orange);
    printf("A:          %d\n", Apple);
    printf("P:          %d\n", Pear);

    printf("Please type what item of fruit you would like to purchase : ");
    scanf(" %c", &ItemChosen);

    if (ItemChosen == 'A') {
        if (Apple <= Budget) {
            printf("Your purchase has been successful!\n");
            printf("Purchase details\n");
            printf("Item selected : %c\n", ItemChosen);
            printf("item price : %d\n", Apple);
            RemainingBudget = Budget - Apple;
            printf("Remaining budget : %d\n", RemainingBudget);
            printf("Thank you for Shopping with us!");
        else {
            printf("Error your budget has insufficant funds or Missing item\n");
            printf("Thanks for shopping with us!\n");
    else if (ItemChosen == 'P') {
        if (Pear <= Budget)
            printf("Your purchase has been successful!\n");
            printf("Purchase details\n");
            printf("Item selected : %c\n", ItemChosen);
            printf("item price : %d\n", Pear);
            RemainingBudget = Budget - Pear;
            printf("Remaining budget : %d\n", RemainingBudget);
            printf("Thank you for Shopping with us!");
        else {
            printf("Error your budget has insufficant funds or Missing item\n");
            printf("Thanks for shopping with us!\n");
    else if (ItemChosen == 'O') {
        if (Orange <= Budget) {
            printf("Your purchase has been successful!\n");
            printf("Purchase details\n");
            printf("Item selected : %c\n", ItemChosen);
            printf("item price : %d\n", Orange);
            RemainingBudget = Budget - Orange;
            printf("Remaining budget : %d\n", RemainingBudget);
            printf("Thank you for Shopping with us!");

        else {
            printf("Error your budget has insufficant funds or Missing item\n");
            printf("Thanks for shopping with us!\n");
       printf("Incorrect item [%c] selected.\n", ItemChosen);
       printf("Thanks for shopping with us!\n");

    return 0;