I'm currently building a C Program however I'm running into a segmentation error whenever I delete an entry from my program and attempt to re-execute.

An example is when I add two names and delete one and then attempt to order them alphabetically again. My program terminates and after debugging it seems to be due to a segmentation error

Any insight into the issue would be greatly appreciated. I can't seem to see what the issue is.

I apologize for any indentation errors as in my compiler they are not present.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>

//Function prototype declarations

void addentry();
void delentry();
void showphonebook();
void alphabeticalsort();
void find();
void rancontact();
void delall();

typedef struct phonebook //First data structure is built for storing names and phonenumbers; not sure if this method is most efficient but it does seem practical


        char *FirstName;
        char *LastName;
        char *number;

} book;

typedef struct delbook //Second data structure for deleting user data


        char *FirstName;
        char *LastName;        

} del;

//Pointer and global variable initializations
book *bk; 
del *dl;
int count = 0;
int delcount = 0;

int main(void)

int menu; 

       do //do while loop for my menu, always a good preference for one initialized run; helpful when troubleshooting 

          printf("\nPhone Book Application\n");
          printf("1) Add Friend\n");
          printf("2) Delete Friend\n");
          printf("3) Display Phone Book\n");
          printf("4) Alphabetically Sort\n");
          printf("5) Find Name\n");
          printf("6) Call Random Contact\n");
          printf("7) Delete Entire Phonebook\n");
          printf("8) Exit\n");
          printf("\nWhat do you want to do?: ");
          scanf("%d", &menu);


          switch (menu) 
                        case 1: 

                        case 2: 

                        case 3: 
                        case 4:
                        case 5:
                        case 6:    
                        case 7:    
                        case 8:
                            printf("\nThank you for using this program! Good Bye!"); //User friendly message for program exit
                        default: //Thought using default case instead of while loop would be a bit neater from logic used in previous programs
                               printf("\nPlease enter a valid menu selection.\n");


       } while (menu != 8); //End of do while loop based of exiting criteria
                               //Thought I'd try some different recursive logic for reinitializing menu


//Returning memory here for efficiency 
dl = NULL;
bk = NULL;          

return 0;

//Begin Functions

//Function for adding entries into phonebook
void addentry()

    char *lname;

    if (count == 0)
           bk = (book *) malloc ((count*100) + 100); //allocating memory with arbitrarily large number

           bk = (book *) realloc (bk, (count*100) + 100); //reallocation of memory with arbitrarily chosen large number

    if (bk == NULL)    //Statement in the event memory is unavailable for new entries
           printf("No memory available for allocation\n");

    else //Here we go for adding an entry!
           bk[count].FirstName = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*100);
           bk[count].LastName = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*100);
           bk[count].number = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*100);
           //Adding some spacing here for eye relief
           printf("First Name: ");
           scanf("%s", bk[count].FirstName);
           printf("Last Name: ");
           scanf("%s", bk[count].LastName);
           printf("Phone Number: ");
           scanf("%s", bk[count].number);
           printf("Record added to the Phone Book\n");



//Function for deleting user entries in phonebook
void delentry()

    int i, k;
    char *name;

    if (delcount == 0)
          dl = (del *) malloc ((delcount*50) + 50);

          dl = (del *) realloc (dl, (delcount*100) + 100); //Potential memory segmentation error here with realloc; requires further investigation

    if (dl == NULL)
        printf("Out of memory can not Delete\n");
           dl[delcount].FirstName = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*50);
           dl[delcount].LastName = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*50);
           printf("First Name: ");
           scanf("%s", dl[delcount].FirstName);
           printf("Last Name: ");
           scanf("%s", dl[delcount].LastName);

    for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
         if (bk[i].FirstName == NULL && bk[i].LastName == NULL) continue;
       if (strcmp(bk[i].FirstName, dl[delcount].FirstName) == 0 && strcmp(bk[i].LastName, dl[delcount].LastName) == 0)
                    printf("Record has been deleted\n");
                   bk[i].FirstName = NULL;
                   bk[i].LastName = NULL;
                    bk[i].number = NULL;
                    k = 1;

        if (k != 1)
            printf("\n Entry not found.\n");



void showphonebook()

     int i;

     printf("\nPhone Book Entries:\n");

     for (i = 0; i < count; i++)

             if (bk[i].FirstName != NULL && bk[i].LastName != NULL)
                        printf("\n%s %s %s\n", bk[i].FirstName, bk[i].LastName, bk[i].number);

     printf("\n"); //Added for spacing for eye relief between contacts being printed

void alphabeticalsort() //Alphabetically sorts contacts by last name just like normal phonebook programs

      int i, k;
      char *fname;
      char *t1 = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*15);
      char *t2 = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*15);
      char *t3 = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*15);

/*I addmitedly had a lot of trouble on the logic in this part and I'm still not confident this is the most efficient method.
I initally realized I was only comparing and reassigning last name strings as opposed to all user data.
My way around that issue was to declare the 3 temporary strings for storage of temporary data during the sort.*/

//I also seem to run into a segmentation error when I run this section after deleting all names from phonebook and readding

      for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
             for (k = i + 1; k < count; k++)
                     if (strcmp(bk[i].LastName,bk[k].LastName) > 0) //My if statement to manually sort user data in alphabetical order by last name
                             strcpy(t1, bk[k].FirstName);
                               strcpy(t2, bk[k].LastName);
                               strcpy(t3, bk[k].number);
                               strcpy(bk[k].FirstName, bk[i].FirstName);
                              strcpy(bk[k].LastName, bk[i].LastName);
                               strcpy(bk[i].FirstName, t1);
                               strcpy(bk[i].LastName, t2);
         for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
                 printf("\n%s %s: %s\n", bk[i].FirstName, bk[i].LastName, bk[i].number);

 void find() //function to search all users in phonebook
     int i;
     int k = 0;
     char first[50];
     char last[50];
     printf("Enter the person's first name:\n");
     scanf("%s", first);
     printf("Enter the person's last name:\n");
     scanf("%s", last);
     for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
          if (strcmp(bk[i].FirstName, first) == 0 && strcmp(bk[i].LastName, last) == 0) //If statement for finding the person of interest
                 printf("\n%s %s's number is: %s\n", bk[i].FirstName, bk[i].LastName, bk[i].number);
                 k = 1;
     if (k != 1) //User friendly syntax here to let them know their person of interest could not be found
             printf("This person's record does not exist\n");
  void rancontact() //Function to print random contact information

      int num;
      num = rand()%count;
      printf("%s %s %s \n", bk[num].FirstName, bk[num].LastName, bk[num].number);
  void delall()
      int i, menu;
      printf("Are you sure you want to continue? Your phonebook will be completely deleted if you continue.\n"); //Freindly user syntax here to make sure they don't accidentally delete everything
      printf("To confirm you want to continue please press 1 otherwise enter any other number\n");
      printf("What is your selection:");
      scanf("%d", &menu);
      if (menu == 1)
          for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
                  do {  //deleting everything with null assignments
                      bk[i].FirstName = NULL;
                      bk[i].LastName = NULL;
                      bk[i].number = NULL;
                     } while (i <= count);
          printf("\nYour phonebook has been completely deleted\n"); //Friendly user message here
      printf("\nYou will now return to the main menu.\n"); //Friendly user message