Hi laserlight,

Thank you!
So I've changed my code:

I've declared expected

      snprintf(expected, sizeof(expected), "%u_available", (unsigned int)tableID);
      if (strcmp(packetBuffer, expected) == 0) {
        Serial.println("This works!");
and declared expected;
char expected[14]; // NNN_available
And when I upload this I do recieve the message, but it won't return true since I'm not seeing the Serial Print "This Works!"

This is what I'm seeing in my monitor when sending the packet:

08:02:05.419 -> Received packet of size 13
08:02:05.419 -> From, port 9101
08:02:05.419 -> Command: 101_available
08:02:05.454 -> --END--

All correct information.
But still it won't return true