Hey guys, i was completing a C structure program that stored the name, account number and balance of customers.

This is what i have done so far.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

struct CustomerStructs
        int AccNum;
        char CustName;
        double CustBalance;
struct CustomerStructs customers [5];

void initStructs();

int main()
    void printCusData();

    return 0;    

void initStructs(){
    /* Prompts user for specific data*/
    for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
        printf("\nEnter Account Number >>");
        scanf("%d", &customers [i]. AccNum);
        printf("\nEnter Customer Name >>");
        scanf("%s", &customers [i].CustName);
        printf("\nEnter Customer's Balance >>");
scanf("%lf", &customers[i].CustBalance);
    printf ("Please Wait....\n");
}//end initStructs

/* Explains what is to be displayed after user inputs information */
void printCustomerData(){

    printf("Printing Customer Information...\n\n");
    printf("Account Number\t Customer Name\t\t Customer's Balance\n");
    for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
        printf("%d \t%s \t\t %8.2lf\n",customers[i].AccNum, customers[i].CustName, customers[i].CustBalance);


I need help with adding a function to add 5% interest on the customers' balances.

I also see "ERROR id returned 1 exit status" when i try to run the program

Thanks to anyone in advance who can help me out