Thread: Half Adder algorithm: 1) Why does 4 -3 = -15?; 2) Duplicate looping

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Mar 2015

    Question Half Adder algorithm: 1) Why does 4 -3 = -15?; 2) Duplicate looping

    During a Computer Science lecture, the teacher hinted in one of his slides that it is possible to make a program that would add integers together. So I tried at first on my own failing to think of a method. I then did a simple web search where I found some content, and recreated two programs. The first one is based on this sanfoundry tutorial.

    #include <stdio.h>
    int bitwiseadd(int x, int y)
        while(y != 0)
            //Reset carry at the start of every iteration
                int carry = x & y;
            //x + y  =  X XOR Y
                x = x ^ y;
            //Carry from current iteration will be used for next iteration's calculations
                y = carry << 1;
            printf("\t x = %d \t y = %d\n", x, y);
        return x;
    int main()
        int num1, num2;
        printf("\nEnter two numbers to perform addition using bitwise operators: ");
        scanf("%d%d", &num1, &num2);
        printf("\nSum is %d", bitwiseadd(num1, num2));
        return 0;
    The second one is based on Neso Academy bitwise addition with out '+' part two on a youtube tutorial.

    #include <stdio.h>
    int bitwiseadd(int x, int y)
        //int a, b;
        while(y != 0)
                int sum = x ^ y;
                int carry = x & y;
                x = sum;
            //Carry from current iteration will be used for next iteration's calculations
                y = carry << 1;
            printf("\t x = %d \t y = %d\n", x, y);
        return x;
    int main()
        int num1, num2;
        printf("\nEnter two numbers to perform addition using bitwise operators: ");
        scanf("%d%d", &num1, &num2);
        printf("\nSum is %d", bitwiseadd(num1, num2));
        return 0;
    Instead of doing this on the computer, I first did it on paper, quickly finding the deadly combination of "4" and "-3", my scribblings:
    Converting Decimal to Binary:
       = 2^2 --> 0100
       = -(+3)
       +3 --> 0011
            a) Complement positive number
           == 1100
            b) Add one
               == 1100
                + 0001
          -3  ==  1101
    Once finished converting two arguments to binary, I start running through the algorithm:
     Iteration 1:
        int sum = x ^ y;
             ^ 1101
         sum = 1001
        int carry = x & y;
             & 1101
       carry = 0100
        x = sum;
           x = 1001;
      y = carry << 1;
           y = 0100 << 1;
           y = 1000
     Iteration 2:
      int sum = x ^ y;
             ^ 1000
         sum = 0001
        int carry = x & y;
             & 1000
       carry = 1000
        x = sum;
          x  = 0001
      y = carry << 1;
           1000 << 1
       y = 10000
     Iteration 3:
      int sum = x ^ y;
             ^ 10000
         sum = 10001
      int carry = x & y;
             & 10000
       carry = 00000
        x = sum;
          x  = 10001
      y = carry << 1;
           0 << 1
       y = 0
    *** Since y == 0, while loop ends ***

    Final answer is x = 10001, or decimal number -15.

    How can the final answer of +4 - 3 = -15??? What did I do wrong??

    Next I then try this algorithm on the computer, compiling by:

    $ clang -99 -Wall -Wvla -Werror -fsanitize=address,undefined bitAddition_NESOAcademy_cast.c
    and run:

    $ ./a.out
    Enter two numbers to perform addition using bitwise operators: 4 -3
    Both get the following error:
    $ ./a.out
        Enter two numbers to perform addition using bitwise operators: -3 4
             x = -7      y = 8
             x = -15      y = 16
             x = -31      y = 32
             x = -63      y = 64
             x = -127      y = 128
             x = -255      y = 256
             x = -511      y = 512
             x = -1023      y = 1024
             x = -2047      y = 2048
             x = -4095      y = 4096
             x = -8191      y = 8192
             x = -16383      y = 16384
             x = -32767      y = 32768
             x = -65535      y = 65536
             x = -131071      y = 131072
             x = -262143      y = 262144
             x = -524287      y = 524288
             x = -1048575      y = 1048576
             x = -2097151      y = 2097152
             x = -4194303      y = 4194304
             x = -8388607      y = 8388608
             x = -16777215      y = 16777216
             x = -33554431      y = 33554432
             x = -67108863      y = 67108864
             x = -134217727      y = 134217728
             x = -268435455      y = 268435456
             x = -536870911      y = 536870912
             x = -1073741823      y = 1073741824
        bitAddition_NESOAcademy.c:19:14: runtime error: left shift of 1073741824 by 1 places cannot be represented in type 'int'
        SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: undefined-behavior bitAddition_NESOAcademy.c:19:14 in 
             x = -2147483647      y = -2147483648
             x = 1      y = 0
        Sum is 1
    I have found a stackexchange solution on this problem, and my interpretation is to use "unsigned integer" for carry, as follows:
                unsigned int carry = x & y;
    and even though this solves the "runtime error" as above, the rest of the behaviour is still the same extra duplicate loop till the end of the integers.

    $ clang -99 -Wall -Wvla -Werror -fsanitize=address,undefined bitAddition_NESOAcademy_cast.c 
    $ ./a.out
    Enter two numbers to perform addition using bitwise operators: 4 -3
         x = -7      y = 8
         x = -15      y = 16
         x = -31      y = 32
         x = -63      y = 64
         x = -127      y = 128
         x = -255      y = 256
         x = -511      y = 512
         x = -1023      y = 1024
         x = -2047      y = 2048
         x = -4095      y = 4096
         x = -8191      y = 8192
         x = -16383      y = 16384
         x = -32767      y = 32768
         x = -65535      y = 65536
         x = -131071      y = 131072
         x = -262143      y = 262144
         x = -524287      y = 524288
         x = -1048575      y = 1048576
         x = -2097151      y = 2097152
         x = -4194303      y = 4194304
         x = -8388607      y = 8388608
         x = -16777215      y = 16777216
         x = -33554431      y = 33554432
         x = -67108863      y = 67108864
         x = -134217727      y = 134217728
         x = -268435455      y = 268435456
         x = -536870911      y = 536870912
         x = -1073741823      y = 1073741824
         x = -2147483647      y = -2147483648
         x = 1      y = 0
    Sum is 1
    What am I doing wrong?

    A. Paper calculations:
    1) Why do I get 4 - 3 = -15?

    B. Running program on the Computer:
    1) Is the completion of so many loops what is supposed to happen?
    2) Is there anyway to get rid of this duplicate loop calculations?
    Last edited by andrew.comly; 06-27-2020 at 02:17 PM. Reason: grammar

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Dec 2017
    Why do I get 4 - 3 = -15?
    Maybe you are supposed to ignore a bit that overflows (at least under certain conditions). Then the answer is 1, as expected.
    A little inaccuracy saves tons of explanation. - H.H. Munro

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    An half adder is limited to one or two bit output. You are expected to ignore the other bits when you are using software.

    The two bits are sum and carry; sometimes the carry does not exist. They are both limited to values of zero and one.

    An half adder is a piece of hardware; this appears to be a program to simulate an it.

    Edit: The inputs are also limited to zero and one!!

    Tim S.
    Last edited by stahta01; 06-27-2020 at 04:31 PM.
    "...a computer is a stupid machine with the ability to do incredibly smart things, while computer programmers are smart people with the ability to do incredibly stupid things. They are,in short, a perfect match.." Bill Bryson

  4. #4
    null pointer Structure's Avatar
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    May 2019


    Is there anyway to get rid of this duplicate loop calculations?

    Bitwise recursive addition of two integers - GeeksforGeeks
    "without goto we would be wtf'd"

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