Thread: Bitwise operators

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Bitwise operators

    Hi, could someone explain me how the if statement works in the snippet below? Despite the fact that I know how bitwise works I cannot understand when the
     channel & (1 << i)
    will be TRUE and when will be FALSE.

    void selectMuxPin(int channel) {  
    for (int i = 0; i < MUX_CTRL_CHA; i++) {
        if (channel & (1 << i)) {
          }else {

  2. #2
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    inside a singularity
    It will result in true when the bit corresponding (2^i) in channel is set to 1 (where, '^' denotes "raised to the power of" and not XOR). Otherwise, false.
    "Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook, The Wizardry Compiled

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nikosant03 View Post
    Hi, could someone explain me how the if statement works in the snippet below? Despite the fact that I know how bitwise works I cannot understand when the
     channel & (1 << i)
    Like Zeus_ said... Here's a detailed explanation.

    When testing for true or false, any value different from 0 is TRUE. 0 is always FALSE. This expression will isolate bit i of the value from channel, all the other bits will be zero. If i is 3, for example, (1 << i) will be, in binary, 0b00000000000000000000000000001000. After the AND operation all bits are zero, except the 4th bit from right to left (bit 3), which will be a copy from the same bit from channel. If the 4th bit of channel is 0, the result will be 0, otherwise, 0x0004.

    Got it?

  4. #4
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    Thank you guys, now I can see how it works. Basically anything besides 000 is a TRUE isn't it? I analyzed the function and the results are clear

    MUX_CTRL_CHA = 3
    1 = 001

    channel = 0(000) then:
    For i = 0 -> 001 << 0 = 001 , channel & (1 << i) -> 000 & 001 = 000 -> nrf_gpio_pin_clear 0
    For i = 1 -> 001 << 1 = 010 , channel & (1 << i) -> 000 & 010 = 000 -> nrf_gpio_pin_set 0
    For i = 2 -> 001 << 2 = 100 , channel & (1 << i) -> 000 & 100 = 000 -> nrf_gpio_pin_clear 0

    channel = 1(001) then:
    For i = 0 -> 001 << 0 = 001 , channel & (1 << i) -> 001 & 001 = 001 -> nrf_gpio_pin_set 1
    For i = 1 -> 001 << 1 = 010 , channel & (1 << i) -> 001 & 010 = 000 -> nrf_gpio_pin_clear 0
    For i = 2 -> 001 << 2 = 100 , channel & (1 << i) -> 001 & 100 = 000 -> nrf_gpio_pin_clear 0

    channel = 2 (010) then:
    For i = 0 -> 001 << 0 = 001 , channel & (1 << i) -> 010 & 001 = 000 -> nrf_gpio_pin_clear 0
    For i = 1 -> 001 << 1 = 010 , channel & (1 << i) -> 010 & 010 = 010 -> nrf_gpio_pin_set 1
    For i = 2 -> 001 << 2 = 100 , channel & (1 << i) -> 010 & 100 = 000 -> nrf_gpio_pin_clear 0

    channel = 3 (011) then:
    For i = 0 -> 001 << 0 = 001 , channel & (1 << i) -> 011 & 001 = 001 -> nrf_gpio_pin_set 1
    For i = 1 -> 001 << 1 = 010 , channel & (1 << i) -> 011 & 010 = 010 -> nrf_gpio_pin_set 1
    For i = 2 -> 001 << 2 = 100 , channel & (1 << i) -> 011 & 100 = 000 -> nrf_gpio_pin_clear 0

    channel = 4 (100) then:
    For i = 0 -> 001 << 0 = 001 , channel & (1 << i) -> 100 & 001 = 000 -> nrf_gpio_pin_clear 0
    For i = 1 -> 001 << 1 = 010 , channel & (1 << i) -> 100 & 010 = 000 -> nrf_gpio_pin_clear 0
    For i = 2 -> 001 << 2 = 100 , channel & (1 << i) -> 100 & 100 = 100 -> nrf_gpio_pin_set 1

    channel = 5 (101) then:
    For i = 0 -> 001 << 0 = 001 , channel & (1 << i) -> 101 & 001 = 001 -> nrf_gpio_pin_set 1
    For i = 1 -> 001 << 1 = 010 , channel & (1 << i) -> 101 & 010 = 000 -> nrf_gpio_pin_clear 0
    For i = 2 -> 001 << 2 = 100 , channel & (1 << i) -> 101 & 100 = 100 -> nrf_gpio_pin_set 1

    channel = 6 (110) then:
    For i = 0 -> 001 << 0 = 001 , channel & (1 << i) -> 110 & 001 = 000 -> nrf_gpio_pin_clear 0
    For i = 1 -> 001 << 1 = 010 , channel & (1 << i) -> 110 & 010 = 010 -> nrf_gpio_pin_set 1
    For i = 2 -> 001 << 2 = 100 , channel & (1 << i) -> 110 & 100 = 100 -> nrf_gpio_pin_set 1

    channel = 7 (111) then:
    For i = 0 -> 001 << 0 = 001 , channel & (1 << i) -> 111 & 001 = 001 -> nrf_gpio_pin_set 1
    For i = 1 -> 001 << 1 = 010 , channel & (1 << i) -> 111 & 010 = 010 -> nrf_gpio_pin_set 1
    For i = 2 -> 001 << 2 = 100 , channel & (1 << i) -> 111 & 100 = 100 -> nrf_gpio_pin_set 1

  5. #5
    TEIAM - problem solved
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    Basically anything besides 000 is a TRUE isn't it?

    This is a basic bit test.
    // A few simple bit tasks for u-controllers...
    // Test bit
    (1<<bit) & x
    // Set bit
    x |= (1<<bit);
    // Set multiple bits
    x |= (1<<bit1) | (1<<bit2) | (1<<bit3);
    // Clear bit
    x &= ~(1<<bit);
    // Clear multiple bits
    x &= ~((1<<bit1) | (1<<bit2) | (1<<bit3));
    An easier example would be if I had a microcontroller with an 8-bit port, PORTA.

    On the input for b3 (usually corresponds to the forth pin, because b0 is the first pin) I have a switch that pulls the pin to logic level high and we want a motor to start...
    if ((1<<3) & PORTA)
    In the AVR world you see a lot of the "<<" notation to set and clear bits. I tend to do it with all different microcontroller family projects now days...

    This is so that you can see each individual bit.

    x = (1<<0) | //comment
        (1<<1) | //comment
        (0<<2) ; //comment
    You can see that the 0<< is kept in, just so a comment can be made as to why is was 0.

    This is from a PIC, setting up the oscillator - Note that 0b is a non-standard but widely used way of writing binary literal and the _xx_POSITION is a defined number (0-7) in a header file for the XC8 compiler.
    OSCCON =  (0b1110 << _OSCCON_IRCF_POSITION)  |   // 8 MHz or 32 MHz HF(see Section ?HFINTOSC?)
              (0b00 << _OSCCON_SCS_POSITION)     |   // Clock determined by FOSC<2:0> in Configuration Word 1
              (0 << _OSCCON_SPLLEN_POSITION);        // 4x PLL Is enabled
    Fact - Beethoven wrote his first symphony in C

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Click_here View Post

    This is a basic bit test.
    // A few simple bit tasks for u-controllers...
    // Test bit
    (1<<bit) & x
    // Set bit
    x |= (1<<bit);
    // Set multiple bits
    x |= (1<<bit1) | (1<<bit2) | (1<<bit3);
    // Clear bit
    x &= ~(1<<bit);
    // Clear multiple bits
    x &= ~((1<<bit1) | (1<<bit2) | (1<<bit3));

    Great answer!! Thank you for the sample code!!

  7. #7
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    Well... Bit inversion is missing:

    x ^= (1 << bit);

  8. #8
    TEIAM - problem solved
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    Melbourne Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by flp1969 View Post
    Well... Bit inversion is missing:

    x ^= (1 << bit);
    Fact - Beethoven wrote his first symphony in C

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