Salem, why is your txt files inside crontabs? Should it be the other way around? Was there a problem with cron running all three of your c-files inside cron like it does for script and batchs? Whatever the case it did something and I did not know it could work that way. IÂ’m going to make some changes to my files and see what happen. Wow, cron running text files.

And also why are your numbers being incremented so high. It's suppose to increase by one each day or every 1-5 minutes during testing. My code had the same problem. The first file incremented by 1 properly but the other two either did nothing or it would increase by a much higher numbers with is not what the code I posted was even design to do. It just did it anyway. So that is cron fault, correct?

I can't wait to try the txt file thing. Time to clean up my mess and reboot