Thread: Issue trying to load lua libraries

  1. #1
    Registered User awsdert's Avatar
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    Issue trying to load lua libraries

    Gotta go to work so won't be able to try anything until I get home nor will I respond often (or at all as the case may be). I returned to my cheat project and started again (with a new name after considering the possibility of others wanting it too) after learning glfw does just create a single window, I then went and downloaded moonnuklear and its assiociated libraries moonglfw and moongl and attempted to use them just as in the example given on the github page (refer to the makefile for those), however my problem is that when lua attempts to load those libraries it fails and exits, I uploaded the makefile the compiled shared libraries (feel free to recompile if you please) and the source files for my little project here: - Google Drive
    Would appreciate whatever help can be given

  2. #2
    Registered User awsdert's Avatar
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    Found out part of the reason, apparently lua is not loading libraries as the docs describe, hafta look around for info on this phenomenon, and no has nothing to do with paths or missing loadlib function, already tried the basic hacks meant to fix those

  3. #3
    misoturbutc Hodor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by awsdert View Post
    Found out part of the reason, apparently lua is not loading libraries as the docs describe, hafta look around for info on this phenomenon, and no has nothing to do with paths or missing loadlib function, already tried the basic hacks meant to fix those
    It loads libraries like the docs say in my own code. What do you mean by "lua is not loading libraries as the docs describe"?

  4. #4
    Registered User awsdert's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hodor View Post
    It loads libraries like the docs say in my own code. What do you mean by "lua is not loading libraries as the docs describe"?
    I mean when it should be loading the moon libraries it just shuts down execution and passes back to gasp like nothing happend, since gasp shuts down after calling the file I've not got any information on why, I least expected lua to call the error handler if it couldn't load it but not even that gets called. Because lua didn't do as described by the docs I thought maybe it's because I'm using the system version of lua and not compiling lua myself so I modified my makefile a bit (and learned a better way of cloning & updating github code in the process) and got as far as this:
    make --no-print-directory
    make: Circular <- dependency dropped.
    make: Circular <- dependency dropped.
    clang -ldl -lm -L'.' -lgasp-lua -o gasp.elf gasp.c.o
    make: Circular <- dependency dropped.
    clang -ggdb -D _DEBUG -shared -fPIC -fpic -ldl -lm -L'.' -o cloned/lua/lopcodes.c-d.o cloned/lua/ltm.c-d.o cloned/lua/loslib.c-d.o cloned/lua/lctype.c-d.o cloned/lua/lstate.c-d.o cloned/lua/ltablib.c-d.o cloned/lua/ltests.c-d.o cloned/lua/lzio.c-d.o cloned/lua/lparser.c-d.o cloned/lua/llex.c-d.o cloned/lua/ldblib.c-d.o cloned/lua/lvm.c-d.o cloned/lua/lcode.c-d.o cloned/lua/lcorolib.c-d.o cloned/lua/ldump.c-d.o cloned/lua/liolib.c-d.o cloned/lua/ldebug.c-d.o cloned/lua/loadlib.c-d.o cloned/lua/linit.c-d.o cloned/lua/lmathlib.c-d.o cloned/lua/lbaselib.c-d.o cloned/lua/lstring.c-d.o cloned/lua/lutf8lib.c-d.o cloned/lua/lmem.c-d.o cloned/lua/ldo.c-d.o cloned/lua/lauxlib.c-d.o cloned/lua/lobject.c-d.o cloned/lua/lstrlib.c-d.o cloned/lua/lundump.c-d.o cloned/lua/ltable.c-d.o cloned/lua/lapi.c-d.o cloned/lua/lgc.c-d.o cloned/lua/lfunc.c-d.o
    clang -ggdb -D _DEBUG -ldl -lm -L'.' -o gasp-d.elf gasp.c-d.o
    /usr/bin/ld: cannot find
    clang-9: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
    make: *** [makefile:78: gasp-d.elf] Error 1
    Compilation failed.
    Struggling to see why it keeps producing these library object errors when they are never even referred to at any point in the makefile, the inability to find the library I fixed by just correcting my usage of -l (I forgot about it when I moved the variable across)
    Here's a dump of my makefile, if anyone could help me fix that issue as well then that would be great:
    HAS_DOS:=$(if $(COMSPEC),1,)
    IS_WINDOWS:=$(if $(ProgramFiles),1,)
    IS_MSDOS:=$(if $(IS_WINDOWS),,$(HAS_DOS))
    IS_WIN64:=$(if ${ProgramFiles(x86)},1,)
    IS_WIN32:=$(if $(IS_WIN64),,$(IS_WINDOWS))
    IS_LINUX:=$(if $(IS_WINDOWS),,1)
    mkdir=$(if $(wildcard $1),,$(shell mkdir $1))
    clone=$(if $(wildcard $1),,$(shell cd $2 && git clone$3))
    update=$(shell cd $1 && git remote update)
    _fetch=$(shell cd $1 && git fetch $2)
    fetch=$(if $(call _fetch,$1,--dry-run),$(call _fetch,$1),)
    #gasp stands for Gaming Assistive tech for Solo Play
    #Wanted a more fun name than just plain cheat and since
    #there are people who need to cheat to be able to play
    #(for example the elderly or physically challanged)
    #I thought to tie in the name to such audience, let's
    #see gaming companies find an excuse for exlcuding that
    #audience when they eventually find a way to block this :)
    all: $(gasp_exe) $(gasp_dbg_exe)
    $(call mkdir,cloned)
    $(call clone,$(lua_dir),cloned,lua/lua)
    $(call clone,$(moongl_dir),cloned,stetre/moongl)
    $(call clone,$(moonglfw_dir),cloned,stetre/moonglfw)
    $(call clone,$(moonnuklear_dir),cloned,stetre/moonnuklear)
    $(call fetch,$(lua_dir))
    $(call fetch,$(moongl_dir))
    $(call fetch,$(moonglfw_dir))
    $(call fetch,$(moonnuklear_dir))
    lua_sources:=$(filter-out $(lua_src_dir)/lua.c $(lua_src_dir)/onelua.c,$(wildcard $(lua_src_dir)/*.c))
    bin_flags=-ldl -lm -L'.'
    lib_flags=-shared -fPIC -fpic $(bin_flags)
    inc_flags=-I $(lua_dir) -I $(moonnuklear_dir) -I $(moonglfw_dir) -I $(moongl_dir)
    src_flags=-Wall -std=c99 -DLUA_USE_LINUX -DLUA_USE_READLINE
    dbg_flags=-ggdb -D _DEBUG
    gasp: $(gasp_exe)
    $(gasp_exe): $(gasp_objects) $(lua_dll) $(dlls) force
    	$(CC) $(bin_flags) -lgasp-lua -o $@ $(gasp_objects)
    debug: $(gasp_dbg_exe)
    	gede --args ./$(gasp_dbg_exe)
    $(gasp_dbg_exe): $(gasp_dbgobjs) $(lua_dbg) $(dlls) force
    	$(CC) $(dbg_flags) $(bin_flags) -lgasp-lua-d -o $@ $(gasp_dbgobjs)
    $(lua_dll): $(lua_objects)
    	$(CC) $(lib_flags) -o $@ $^
    $(lua_dbg): $(lua_dbgobjs)
    	$(CC) $(dbg_flags) $(lib_flags) -o $@ $^
    %.o: %
    	$(CC) $(inc_flags) $(src_flags) -o $@ -c $<
    %-d.o: %
    	$(CC) $(dbg_flags) $(inc_flags) $(src_flags) -o $@ -c $<
    force: ;
    .PHONY: all gasp debug makefile

  5. #5
    Registered User awsdert's Avatar
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    Getting this error now:
    ./gasp.elf: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    Gonna make myself a cuppa before I go hunting for that post that mentioned rpath or something so I can try that to fix it, won't complain if the details are mentioned again here though

    Edit: Found the post and resolved this bug by tacking on "-Wl,-rpath,'.'" to the bin_flags variable, however I've come full circle to the original issue
    Last edited by awsdert; 01-17-2020 at 05:45 AM.

  6. #6
    Registered User awsdert's Avatar
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    After hunting around for info on how to catch and report lua errors I made this change:
    	if ( luaL_loadfile(L, "gasp.lua") || lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0) )
    		printf("Failed:\n%s\n", lua_tostring(L,-1));
    And finally got some information:
    make --no-print-directory gasp
    make: Circular <- dependency dropped.
    clang -ldl -lm -L'.' -Wl,-rpath,'.' -lgasp-lua -o gasp.elf gasp.c.o
    make: Circular <- dependency dropped.
    make: Circular <- dependency dropped.
    Opening lua state...
    Setting lua panic callback...
    Opening standard lua libraries...
    Loading & running gasp.lua...
    error loading module 'moonnuklear' from file './':
    	./ undefined symbol: lua_newuserdata
    Closing lua...
    Compilation finished successfully.
    So I'll have to make some changes to revert back to using normal lua library (at least I understand the possible cause of this bug)

    Okay that was extremely easy, I just swapped out -lgasp-lua for -llua, this is what the next bug reports:
    make --no-print-directory gasp
    make: Circular <- dependency dropped.
    clang -ldl -lm -L'.' -Wl,-rpath,'.' -llua -o gasp.elf gasp.c.o
    make: Circular <- dependency dropped.
    make: Circular <- dependency dropped.
    Opening lua state...
    Setting lua panic callback...
    Opening standard lua libraries...
    Loading & running gasp.lua...
    Opening backend...
    Loading moongl...
    [string "require('moongl.make')"]:1: module 'moongl.make' not found:
    	no field package.preload['moongl.make']
    	no file '/usr/share/lua/5.3/moongl/make.lua'
    	no file '/usr/share/lua/5.3/moongl/make/init.lua'
    	no file '/usr/lib/lua/5.3/moongl/make.lua'
    	no file '/usr/lib/lua/5.3/moongl/make/init.lua'
    	no file './moongl/make.lua'
    	no file './moongl/make/init.lua'
    	no file '/usr/lib/lua/5.3/moongl/'
    	no file '/usr/lib/lua/5.3/'
    	no file './moongl/'
    	no module 'moongl.make' in file './'
    Closing lua...
    Compilation finished successfully.
    Last edited by awsdert; 01-17-2020 at 06:16 AM.

  7. #7
    misoturbutc Hodor's Avatar
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    You need to write a minimal test case that exhibits the unexpected behaviour. It seems unlikely anybody can help with a code dump of thousands of lines of barely legible uncommented code pulling in a whole bunch of code from different libraries. For a start, though, why is your lua_allocator() function so complicated? It only needs to call realloc() and free() and doesn't need all of that other logic. Lua 5.3 Reference Manual

  8. #8
    Registered User awsdert's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hodor View Post
    You need to write a minimal test case that exhibits the unexpected behaviour. It seems unlikely anybody can help with a code dump of thousands of lines of barely legible uncommented code pulling in a whole bunch of code from different libraries. For a start, though, why is your lua_allocator() function so complicated? It only needs to call realloc() and free() and doesn't need all of that other logic. Lua 5.3 Reference Manual
    It's using that logic cause I like to be cautious, I tend to reuse functions like that so I just make it so any errors will be passed back to the calling function making it easier to diagnose where the error came from

    Edit as for the external libs they're something I was looking through just now with a custom compile, there are some errors so I'll have to look at it more in depth after work or 2mw

  9. #9
    misoturbutc Hodor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by awsdert View Post
    It's using that logic cause I like to be cautious, I tend to reuse functions like that so I just make it so any errors will be passed back to the calling function making it easier to diagnose where the error came from

    Edit as for the external libs they're something I was looking through just now with a custom compile, there are some errors so I'll have to look at it more in depth after work or 2mw
    But... you don't trust realloc()?

    Also, you're not passing any errors back to your functions, you're passing them back to Lua. The function needs to behave exactly how Lua expects and it doesn't seem to be doing that

    free(NULL); // This is fine
    realloc(NULL, newsize); // This is fine (I know you've said in the past you don't trust this, but you have to. If you can't trust your compiler and std library then you may as well write nothing)

    I think you're being over cautious and it's confusing (to me) and it's maybe introducing hard to find bugs. I really don't understand why you're using a custom alloc function at all to be honest... what I mean is, why aren't you simply using luaL_newstate()?
    Last edited by Hodor; 01-17-2020 at 07:08 AM.

  10. #10
    Registered User awsdert's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hodor View Post
    But... you don't trust realloc()?

    Also, you're not passing any errors back to your functions, you're passing them back to Lua. The function needs to behave exactly how Lua expects and it doesn't seem to be doing that

    free(NULL); // This is fine
    realloc(NULL, newsize); // This is fine (I know you've said in the past you don't trust this, but you have to. If you can't trust your compiler and std library then you may as well write nothing)

    I think you're being over cautious and it's confusing (to me) and it's maybe introducing hard to find bugs. I really don't understand why you're using a custom alloc function at all to be honest... what I mean is, why aren't you simply using luaL_newstate()?
    realloc(NULL... has caused me problems before so now I just assume it is unsafe, as for luaL_newstate I didn't even know it existed

  11. #11
    misoturbutc Hodor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by awsdert View Post
    [...] as for luaL_newstate I didn't even know it existed
    Might be best to use that for now and after the bugs are sorted out then move to using lua_newstate (if you have to)

  12. #12
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    realloc(NULL, size) is exactly the same as malloc(size). If you used a compiler that treated them differently, then get a new compiler (I know gcc handles it correctly). I use realloc(NULL, size) regularly without issue because it's guaranteed to work, and a compiler that doesn't uphold that guarantee should be taken out back and shot.

    (I had a former coworker who didn't trust free(NULL) because some compiler (I think it was the compiler for PalmOS or something) didn't handle it correctly. Shame on that compiler!)

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