Just occurred to me a brilliant way to grab random values, I've tested a few times just now and it seems to be a usable option even for security, at least to me anyways:
#include <limits.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <time.h>

long mcc_rnd( long *seed, long min, long max ) {
	unsigned char *tmp = malloc(1);
	/* Initial ranom value */
	long val = time(NULL) + ((ptrdiff_t)tmp), _seed = 1;
	if ( !seed ) seed = &seed;
	if ( *seed == 0 ) *seed = 1;
	/* Counter possible divide by 0 situation */
	val %= *seed;
	val *= clock();
	*seed <<= 1;
	return (val > max) ? max : (val < min ? min : val);

int main() {
	int i;
	long seed = 1;
	for ( i = 0; i < 100; ++i ) {
		(void)printf( "%ld\n", mcc_rnd( &seed, LONG_MIN,LONG_MAX) );
A real program will no doubt call malloc & co often providing a greater randomness than already provided, the time() and clock() calls help randomize in between those calls and the seed is for utilizing a change in magnitude while min & max are there to restrain the result
Go ahead and give it a try with and without a seed