Thread: File Input / Output Help?

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  1. #1

    File Input / Output Help?

    i am trying to write a program that would read data from a file and create a set of html (web) pages. How should i start?

    Prompt the user for a file name, which will contain artist/CD information. Artist/CD information will include: 1) artist name, 2) format (CD, Cassette, Vinyl), 3) release date, 4) label, 5) cost, 6) image file name, and 7) biography (less than 256 characters).

    India Arie CD 3/27/2001 Motown 15.99 india.jpg Recent newcomer to the music

    Jill Scott CD 7/18/2000 Hidden Beach 16.99 jill.jpg Scott is a modern R&B singer from Philadelphia

    Maxwell ? Cassette 8/21/2001 Columbia 17.99 Maxwell.jpg soul singer Maxwell (his middle name) had to suffer the ignominy of his record company sitting on his debut album

    Where the format is: <artist first name> <artist last name> <format> <date> <label> <cost> <image name> <bio>

    The fields are separated by spaces, and the biography (which includes spaces) is the last field on the line. If the artist does not have a last name, the last name field is a “?”.

    You will process the data from the file (maximum of 100 artists), storing it in a struct called Artist, which should include first and last name, as well as biography. The Artist struct will include a struct called, Label, which will include the format, date, label, and cost.

    You will construct a sequence of web pages (see a sample web page), where each artist will have a web page, named, <artist first name>_<artist last name>.html; where of course last name may not exist. For example, “India_Arie.html” and “Maxwell.html”. Each html file is in the following format (India Arie is shown as an example):

    <img SRC="india.jpg" BORDER=0 height=170 width=170>
    <br><b>Name</b>: India Arie
    <br><b>Format</b>: CD
    <br><b>Release Date</b>: 3/27/2001
    <br><b>Label</b>: Motown
    <br><b>Cost</b>: $15.99
    <br><b>Biography</b>: Recent newcomer to the music

    Hints please.

  2. #2
    Registered User sean345's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    What I would do is read the entire line into a string using fgets. Then you can capture the various parts into other strings by going through the original string and looking for spaces. When you get to the last description you just strcpy the entire thing starting at the beginning because it is last item.

    Then you can output your code to another file/screen.

    Some functions that might help.

    - Sean
    If cities were built like software is built, the first woodpecker to come along would level civilization.
    Black Frog Studios

  3. #3
    Oh thanks prelude, i posted in the wrong thread.......sorry
    this is the correct one.

    and i did try this

    iDataRead = fscanf(fpDataFile,"%s %c %f", cpTemp,&cTemp,&fTemp);
    and i still get access violation and + a warning if i use scanf as incompatible types.

    There is something wrong with the code, it just stops.......right after i have enter path for the file name, say artists.txt

    which has the following inside.
    India Arie CD 3/27/2001 Motown 15.99 india.jpg Recent newcomer to the music
    Jill Scott CD 7/18/2000 Hidden Beach 16.99 jill.jpg Scott is a modern R&B singer from Philadelphia
    Maxwell ? Cassette 8/21/2001 Columbia 17.99 Maxwell.jpg soul singer Maxwell (his middle name) had to suffer the ignominy of his record company sitting on his debut album

    please help, i am this far and now am stuck.

    / **************************************************
    // Preprocessor Directives
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #define SUCCESSFUL		1	// Return value
    #define FAILED			0	// Return value
    #define MAX_STR_SIZE	256	// Max string/filename size
    #define MIN_FORMAT		8	// Max minimum format fields
    #define MAX_ARTISTS		100	// Max artists allowed in data file
    #define FIELDS_COMPLETE	2	// Return value for successful consecutive 
    #define THREE_FIELDS	3	// Return value for 3 fields successfully read
    / **************************************************
    // Global Declarations
    typedef struct
    	 char	*cpFormat;
    	 char	*cpDate;
    	 char	*cpLabel;
    	 float	fCost;
    	} LABEL;								// Artist label-related info
    typedef struct
    	 char	*cpFirstName;
    	 char	*cpLastName;
    	 LABEL	laLabel;
    	 char	*cpImageFile;
    	 char	*cpBio;							// Artist info
    	} ARTIST;
    char gcFileName[MAX_STR_SIZE]	= {' '};	// Stores file name
    int giArtistQty					= 0;		// Artist quantity in data file
    / **************************************************
    // Prototype Declarations
    int getFile();
    void processFile(ARTIST *);
    void renderHTML(ARTIST *);
    / **************************************************
    // Main Function
    void main(){
    	// Local Declarations
    	ARTIST *arList = NULL;
    	// Statements
    	if(getFile() == SUCCESSFUL){
    		arList = (ARTIST *)malloc(sizeof(ARTIST)*giArtistQty);
    	}// if
    / **************************************************
    // Function Definitions
    Name	: getFile
    Comments: Validates the format of the file
    Return	: integer
    int getFile(){
    	// Local Declarations
    	//char cRead		= ' ';	// Stores char for reading
    	char cCheck			= ' ';	// Stores char for checking
    	int c				= 0;	// Counter
    	FILE *fpDataFile	= NULL;	// FILE structure
    	int iDataRead		= 0;	// Counter
    	char *cpTemp		= NULL;	// Temp string storage
    	char cTemp			= ' ';
    	float fTemp			= 0;
    	// Statements
    	printf("\nEnter the path and file name and press <ENTER> : ");
    	scanf("%s", gcFileName);
    	fpDataFile = fopen(gcFileName, "r");
    	if(fpDataFile == NULL){
    		printf("\n\n\aERROR:	File does not exist.");
    		return FAILED;
    	cpTemp = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*MAX_STR_SIZE);
    		iDataRead = fscanf(fpDataFile,"%s %s %s %s", cpTemp,cpTemp,cpTemp,cpTemp);
    		if(iDataRead == EOF && c == 0){
    			printf("\n\n\aERROR:	File is empty.");
    			return FAILED;
    		iDataRead = fscanf(fpDataFile,"%s %c %f", cpTemp,cTemp,fTemp);
    		if(iDataRead != THREE_FIELDS && iDataRead != EOF){
    				iDataRead = fscanf(fpDataFile,"%s %c %f", cpTemp,cTemp,fTemp);
    			} while(iDataRead != THREE_FIELDS && iDataRead != EOF && cTemp != '\n');
    			if(cTemp == '\n'){
    				printf("\n\n\aERROR:	File contents improperly formatted.");
    				return FAILED;
    		if(iDataRead != EOF){
    				cCheck = cTemp;
    				iDataRead = fscanf(fpDataFile, "%s%c", cpTemp, cTemp);
    			}while(cTemp != '\n' && iDataRead != EOF);
    			if(c >= MAX_ARTISTS){
    				printf("\n\n\aERROR:	File cannot contain data for more than %d artists.", MAX_ARTISTS);
    				return FAILED;
    			}// if
    		}// if
    	} while(iDataRead != EOF);
    	giArtistQty = (cCheck == '\n')?(c-1):c;
    	return SUCCESSFUL;
    Name	: processFile
    Comments: Stores data from file into structure
    Return	: void
    void processFile(ARTIST *arList){
    	// Local Declarations
    	char *cpTemp1		= NULL;	// Temp string storage
    	char *cpTemp2		= NULL;	// Temp string storage
    	FILE *fpDataFile	= NULL;	// FILE pointer
    	int a				= 0;	// Counter
    	char cChar			= ' ';	// Temp character storage
    	// Statements
    	cpTemp1 = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*MAX_STR_SIZE);
    	cpTemp2 =	(char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*MAX_STR_SIZE);
    	fpDataFile = fopen(gcFileName, "r");
    		fscanf(fpDataFile, "%s", cpTemp1);
    		(arList+a)->cpFirstName = (char 
    		*( (arList+a)->cpFirstName ) = '\0';
    		strcat( (arList+a)->cpFirstName, cpTemp1);
    		fscanf(fpDataFile, "%s", cpTemp1);
    		(arList+a)->cpLastName = (char 
    		*( (arList+a)->cpLastName ) = '\0';
    		if(*cpTemp1 != '?'){
    			strcat( (arList+a)->cpLastName, cpTemp1 );
    		fscanf(fpDataFile, "%s", cpTemp1);
    		(arList+a)->laLabel.cpFormat = (char 
    		*( (arList+a)->laLabel.cpFormat ) = '\0';
    		strcat( (arList+a)->laLabel.cpFormat, cpTemp1);
    		fscanf(fpDataFile, "%s", cpTemp1);
    		(arList+a)->laLabel.cpDate = (char 
    		*( (arList+a)->laLabel.cpDate ) = '\0';
    		strcat( (arList+a)->laLabel.cpDate, cpTemp1);
    		*cpTemp2 = '\0';
    		if(fscanf(fpDataFile, "%s %f", cpTemp1, &((arList+a)->laLabel.fCost)) 
    				strcat(cpTemp2, cpTemp1);
    				strcat(cpTemp2, " ");
    			}while(fscanf(fpDataFile, "%s %f", cpTemp1, 
    &((arList+a)->laLabel.fCost)) != FIELDS_COMPLETE);
    		}// if
    		strcat(cpTemp2, cpTemp1);
    		(arList+a)->laLabel.cpLabel = (char 
    		*( (arList+a)->laLabel.cpLabel ) = '\0';
    		strcat( (arList+a)->laLabel.cpLabel, cpTemp2 );
    		fscanf(fpDataFile, "%s", cpTemp1);
    		(arList+a)->cpImageFile = (char 
    		*( (arList+a)->cpImageFile ) = '\0';
    		strcat( (arList+a)->cpImageFile, cpTemp1 );
    		*cpTemp2 = '\0';
    		if(fscanf(fpDataFile, "%s%c", cpTemp1, &cChar) == FIELDS_COMPLETE && 
    cChar != '\n'){
    				strcat(cpTemp2, cpTemp1);
    				strcat(cpTemp2, " ");
    			}while(fscanf(fpDataFile, "%s%c", cpTemp1, &cChar) != EOF && cChar 
    != '\n');
    		strcat(cpTemp2, cpTemp1);
    		(arList+a)->cpBio = (char 
    		*((arList+a)->cpBio) = '\0';
    		strcat( (arList+a)->cpBio, cpTemp2 );
    	}// for
    Name	: renderHTML
    Comments: Creates HTML pages from artist data
    Return	: void
    void renderHTML(ARTIST *arList){
    	// Local Declarations
    	int	a				= 0;	// Counter
    	FILE *fpHTML		= NULL;	// FILE pointer
    	FILE *fpIndex		= NULL;	// FILE pointer
    	char *cpFileName	= NULL;	// HTML file name
    	// Statements
    	cpFileName = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*MAX_STR_SIZE);
    	fpIndex = fopen("index.html", "w");
    	fprintf(fpIndex,"<html>\n<head>\n<title>Music Artists</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n");
    	fprintf(fpIndex,"<h1 align=\"center\"><u>Music Artists</u></h1>\n");
    	fprintf(fpIndex,"<p align=\"left\">Make your selection from the list below:</p>\n<ul>\n");
    	for(a = 0;a < giArtistQty;a++){
    		*cpFileName = '\0';
    		strcat(cpFileName, (arList+a)->cpFirstName);
    		strcat(cpFileName, "_");
    		strcat(cpFileName, (arList+a)->cpLastName);
    		strcat(cpFileName, ".html");
    		fpHTML = fopen(cpFileName, "w");
    		fprintf(fpHTML,"<html>\n<head>\n<title>%s %s</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n",(arList+a)->cpFirstName,(arList+a)->cpLastName);
    		fprintf(fpHTML,"<img SRC=\"%s\" BORDER=0 height=170 width=170>\n",(arList+a)->cpImageFile);
    		fprintf(fpHTML,"<br><b>Name</b>: %s %s\n",(arList+a)->cpFirstName,(arList+a)->cpLastName);
    		fprintf(fpHTML,"<br><b>Format</b>: %s\n", 
    		fprintf(fpHTML,"<br><b>Release Date</b>: %s\n",(arList+a)->laLabel.cpDate);
    		fprintf(fpHTML,"<br><b>Label</b>: %s\n",(arList+a)->laLabel.cpLabel);
    		fprintf(fpHTML,"<br><b>Cost</b>: $%.2f\n",(arList+a)->laLabel.fCost);
    		fprintf(fpHTML,"<br><b>Biography</b>: %s\n<br> \n</body>\n</html>",(arList+a)->cpBio);
    		fprintf(fpIndex,"  <li>\n  <p align=\"left\"><a href=\"%s\">%s %s</a></li>\n",cpFileName,(arList+a)->cpFirstName,(arList+a)->cpLastName);
    	fprintf(fpIndex,"</ul>\n<br> \n</body>\n</html>");

  4. #4
    Code Goddess Prelude's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    >and i still get access violation and + a warning if i use scanf as incompatible types.
    I meant change *all* occurances of fscanf, your current code still has several calls to that function where non pointer arguments are not passed as an address. The program also bombs right about here:
      strcat(cpTemp2, cpTemp1);
      strcat(cpTemp2, " ");
    }while(fscanf(fpDataFile, "%s %f", cpTemp1, &((arList+a)->laLabel.fCost)) != FIELDS_COMPLETE);
    My recommendation is to lay aside all of your current program and start working on it in pieces. First write the code to input the data and get it working perfectly, then process it, then write it out in HTML format. Before moving on to the next section, test the one you just wrote thoroughly or you'll end up hunting bugs for a very long time as you are now.

    My best code is written with the delete key.

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