I am creating three nodes in linked list


struct Node
  int data;
  struct Node *next;
  int main()
  struct Node* head = NULL;
  struct Node* second = NULL;
  struct Node* third = NULL;
  struct Node *temp = NULL;

  head  = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
  second = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
  third  = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));

  head->data = 1;       //assign data in first node
  head->next = second;  // Link first node with second

  second->data = 2;     //assign data to second node
  second->next = third;

  third->data = 3;     //assign data to third node
  third->next = NULL;

   temp = head;
  while (temp != NULL)
     printf(" %d ", temp->data);
     temp = temp->next;

  return 0;
I want to create function that would add new node and return the reference

int New_Node( int data){
  // make a new node and return the reference 
How to create new node and return the reference in function ?