I was given a task to create a program that:

1. convert to grade
2. calculate number of every grade like if there's inputted 5 times a score that equal to A then A = 5
3. calculate average of score (using function)
4. print stars depending of every grade A = 5 =*****, b = 2 = **

I couldn't figure out the number 2, i think there's a small problem with my code

#include <stdio.h>
#include "func.h"

int main()
	int score, avg, count, total, student, aCount, bCount, cCount, dCount, eCount, k, skor, sick, haz;
	total = 0;
	student = 1;
	aCount = 0;
	bCount = 0;
	cCount = 0;
	dCount = 0;
	eCount = 0;
	char grade;

	while (student <=10){
	printf("Please enter the score: ");
	scanf("%d", &score);
	sick = score;
	haz = counting(sick, aCount, bCount, cCount, dCount, eCount);
	total = total + score;
	grade = score2grade(score);
	printf("Score = %d => grade=%c\n", score, grade);
	avg = average(avg, total);
        printf("The Average is %d\n", avg);
	printf("A: %d = ", aCount);
		for(k=1; k<=aCount;k++){
			printf("%s", "*");}
	printf("B: %d = ", bCount);
		for(k=1; k<=bCount;k++){
			printf("%s", "*");}
	printf("C: %d = ", cCount);
		for(k=1; k<=cCount;k++){
			printf("%s", "*");}
	printf("D: %d = ", dCount);
		for(k=1; k<=dCount;k++){
			printf("%s", "*");}
	printf("E: %d = ", eCount);
		for(k=1; k<=eCount;k++){
			printf("%s", "*");}
	return 0;
and the function
#include <stdio.h>

int counting(int sick, int aCount, int bCount, int cCount, int dCount, int eCount)
        if (sick >= 85) {aCount++;}
                else if(sick >= 70) {bCount++;}
                        else if(sick >= 60) {cCount++;}
                                else if(sick >= 55) {dCount++;}
                                        else {eCount++;}

char score2grade(int score)
	if (score >=85) return 'A';
		else if(score >=70) return 'B';
			else if(score >= 60) return 'C';
				else if(score >= 55) return 'D';
					else return 'E';

int average(int avg, int total)
	avg = total/10;

If you can help me a little I'll appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.