hey there,
i'm new at c programming and got some very difficult homework.
No one around me succeded at solving this problem(pro coders and such), so i'll try my luck here.
The problem is a permutation problem, you need to print all the permutations of an array in certein length, for example- for the number 3 you will need to get-
1 2 3
1 3 2
2 1 3
2 3 1
3 1 2
3 2 1
now the fun part comes- you cant use any loops. at all. you need to do it only with recurtion. no other functions in the recurtion is allowed (you cant do recurtion inside recurtion and by that by-pass the loops prohabition). the only thing you may use is a print function which will print your array.

If someone is up for the challenge i will be more then happy to share my thoghts about it.
thanks in advance!