Hi all,

I am trying to write a code where i store patient name and a patient number. (i will be entering multiple names)
further on through the program i want to enter that number and it will display the name.

Here is what i have so far.

      printf("\nSelect one of the following numbers and press enter"); //Alerts user to selsct the following command. 
      printf("\n1.Patient Details");   //Assume we will have maximum 15 patients
      printf("\n2.Allocate Patient to Doctor");  //prompts user to allocate dcotors to patients: Jerome Mcclain, Teresita Lieu, Rocky Michael (Doctors names)
      printf("\n3.Call Patient");   //Call the nextpatient and send them to see their Doctor
      printf("\n4.Report");         //Generates a clinic financial report
      printf("\n----------------"); //prints newline
      scanf("%d",&choice); //Stores users choice 
    switch (choice)
    case 1:
      printf ("\nEnter the following and press enter"); //Prompts user to enter the following details followed by enter key
      printf ("\nFirst Name and last name"); //First Name Last Name, max 25characters, show full name to user  
      scanf ("%s %s",patientname[i].Firstname,patientname[i].Lastname); // First name stored and last name stored
      printf ("\nFull name:%s %s", patientname[i].Firstname,patientname[i].Lastname);    //Full name to be shown    
      printf ("\nMedicare Card Number:"); //5digits entered, show digits to user, Receive the digits as a string of 5characters 
      scanf("%s",patientname[i].cardnumber); // Medicare card number stored 
      printf("%s\n",patientname[i].cardnumber); // Medicare number shown 
      printf ("Symptoms:");  //Comma separated list of symptoms, max 25 characters, show symptoms to user
      scanf ("%s", patientname[i].symptoms); // Symtoms for pateient stored 
      printf ("%s\n", patientname[i].symptoms);// Symtoms shown on screen
      printf ("Patient Number:"); //Generate patient number and display it this number should be an integer equal to the number of patients currently in the system + 1
      scanf ("%s",patientname[i].patientnumber); // Patient number stored 
      printf ("%s\n",patientname[i].patientnumber); // Patient number shown
  case 2:
    printf ("\nSelect Doctor:\n For Jerome McClain connect Pin 8.\n For Teresita Lieu connect Pin 9.\n For Rocky Michael connect Pin 10."); // Tells user which pin is which for each doctor
   if (~PINH & (1<<PH5))    //If Pin 8 is selcted 
        printf ("\nJerome McClain"); //Prints doctors name for pin 8 
        printf ("\nAssign Patient number to doctor:"); // Tells user to allcoate a patient to a doctor by means of there number
        scanf ("%s",patientname[i].patientnumber); // Adds Patient number to doctor
        printf ("%s",patientname[i].patientnumber); // Prints Patient number to screen 
        printf ("\nFull name:%s %s", patientname[i].Firstname, patientname[i].Lastname); //Prints patient name to screen