Thread: someone please eplain the logic here

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Apr 2019

    someone please eplain the logic here

    here is the code
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    typedef struct Node
        int number;
        struct Node *next;
    typedef struct Linkedlist
        struct Node *head;
        struct Node *tail;
    int main()
        int i, numbers[7] = {1,4,2,5,7,9,3};
        Node *tmp_node = NULL, *current;
        Linkedlist mylist, sortedlist;
        mylist.head = NULL;
        mylist.tail = NULL;
        sortedlist.head = NULL;
        sortedlist.tail = NULL;
        for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
            tmp_node = malloc(sizeof(tmp_node));
            if (!tmp_node)
                printf("error aquiring memory\n");
            tmp_node->number = numbers[i];
            if (!mylist.head) // list empty
                mylist.head = tmp_node;
                mylist.tail = mylist.head;
            else if (!mylist.head->next) //second node
                mylist.head->next = tmp_node;
                mylist.tail = tmp_node;
                mylist.tail->next = NULL;
            else // another node to append
                tmp_node->next = NULL;
                mylist.tail->next = tmp_node;
                mylist.tail = tmp_node;
        //print list
        current = mylist.head;
        while (current)
            printf("number = %d\n", current->number);
            current = current->next;
        //sort list
        int youngest;
        Node *current_loop = mylist.head, *previous = NULL, *young_current, *young_previous;
        while (current_loop)
            current = current_loop;
            previous = NULL;
            youngest = current_loop->number;
            young_current = current;
            young_previous = previous;
            while (current)
                if (youngest > current->number)
                    youngest = current->number;
                    young_current = current;
                    young_previous = previous;
                previous = current;
                current = current->next;
            //remove node from list
            if (young_current == mylist.head) //young current is the head
                mylist.head = young_current->next;
                young_current->next = NULL;
            else if (!young_current->next) //young current is the tail
                young_previous->next = NULL;
            else //middle node
                young_previous->next = young_current->next;
                young_current->next = NULL;
            //add node to sorted list
            if (!sortedlist.head) // list empty
                sortedlist.head = young_current;
                sortedlist.tail = sortedlist.head;
            else if (!sortedlist.head->next) //second node
                sortedlist.head->next = young_current;
                sortedlist.tail = young_current;
                sortedlist.tail->next = NULL;
            else // another node to append
                tmp_node->next = NULL;
                sortedlist.tail->next = young_current;
                sortedlist.tail = young_current;
            current_loop = current_loop->next;
        //print list
        current = sortedlist.head;
        while (current)
            printf("number = %d\n", current->number);
            current = current->next;
        current = sortedlist.head;
        while (current)
            tmp_node = current->next;
            printf("node freed\n");
            current = tmp_node;
        return 0;
    now what i cant fathom out is why when i set mylist.head = young_current->next (line 91) it sets the head pointer to the address pointed to by young_current->next as it should however the next line sets the pointer young_current->next to NULL (line 92) why the dickens does it change what sorted_list.head points at????????

    many thanks

  2. #2
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    > tmp_node = malloc(sizeof(tmp_node));
    Well this should be
    tmp_node = malloc(sizeof(*tmp_node));

    You're not allocating enough memory, and likely getting garbage or crashes as a result.

    So why the bloated main?
    Your previous threads had nice functions which performed specific tasks, and was working.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    it was just a toy example trying out your idea of putting the values into another list in order
    thanks for the tip on malloc

  4. #4
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    its just dawned on me what the issue is with current_loop
    i set current_loop = to the head node then when the node to remove is the head node i set its next pointer to Null so i am setting current_loops next pointer to null so at the end of the loop the loop ends

  5. #5
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    here is the finished article all working
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <time.h>
    typedef struct Node
        int number;
        struct Node *next;
    typedef struct Linkedlist
        struct Node *head;
        struct Node *tail;
    void initializelists(Linkedlist *mylist, Linkedlist *sortedlist);
    void populatelist(Linkedlist *mylist);
    void appendlist(Linkedlist **list, Node *tmp_node);
    Node *getmemory(void);
    void sortlist(Linkedlist *mylist, Linkedlist *sortedlist);
    void removenode(Linkedlist **mylist, Node *tmp_current, Node *tmp_previous);
    void printlist(const Linkedlist list);
    void deletelist(Linkedlist *list);
    int main()
        Linkedlist mylist, sortedlist;
        initializelists(&mylist, &sortedlist);
        sortlist(&mylist, &sortedlist);
        return 0;
    void initializelists(Linkedlist *mylist, Linkedlist *sortedlist)
        mylist->head = NULL;
        mylist->tail = NULL;
        sortedlist->head = NULL;
        sortedlist->tail = NULL;
    Node *getmemory(void)
        Node *tmp_node = NULL;
        tmp_node = malloc(sizeof(*tmp_node));
        if (!tmp_node)
            printf("error aquiring memory\n");
        return tmp_node;
    void appendlist(Linkedlist **list, Node *tmp_node)
        if (!(*list)->head) // list empty
            (*list)->head = tmp_node;
            (*list)->tail = (*list)->head;
        else if (!(*list)->head->next) //second node
            (*list)->head->next = tmp_node;
            (*list)->tail = tmp_node;
            (*list)->tail->next = NULL;
        else // another node to append
            tmp_node->next = NULL;
            (*list)->tail->next = tmp_node;
            (*list)->tail = tmp_node;
    void populatelist(Linkedlist *mylist)
        int i;
        Node *tmp_node = NULL;
        for (i = 20; i < 90; i += 10)
            tmp_node = getmemory();
            tmp_node->number = rand() % i * 10 + 1;
            appendlist(&mylist, tmp_node);
    void printlist(const Linkedlist list)
        Node *current = list.head;
        while (current)
            printf("number = %d\n", current->number);
            current = current->next;
    void deletelist(Linkedlist *list)
        Node *current = list->head, *tmp_node;
        while (current)
            tmp_node = current->next;
            printf("node freed\n");
            current = tmp_node;
    void removenode(Linkedlist **mylist, Node *tmp_current, Node *tmp_previous)
        if (tmp_current == (*mylist)->head)//smallest current is the head
            (*mylist)->head = (*mylist)->head->next;
            tmp_current->next = NULL;
        else if (!tmp_current->next) //smallest current is the tail
            (*mylist)->tail = tmp_previous;
            tmp_previous->next = NULL;
        else //middle node
            tmp_previous->next = tmp_current->next;
            tmp_current->next = NULL;
    void sortlist(Linkedlist *mylist, Linkedlist *sortedlist)
        int smallest;
        Node *current = NULL, *previous = NULL, *smallest_current, *smallest_previous;
        while (mylist->head)
            current = mylist->head;
            previous = NULL;
            smallest = current->number;
            smallest_current = current;
            smallest_previous = previous;
            while (current)
                if (smallest > current->number)
                    smallest = current->number;
                    smallest_current = current;
                    smallest_previous = previous;
                previous = current;
                current = current->next;
            //remove node from list
            printf("removing %d\n", smallest_current->number);
            removenode(&mylist, smallest_current, smallest_previous);
            //add node to sorted list
            appendlist(&sortedlist, smallest_current);
    Last edited by cooper1200; 05-28-2019 at 05:13 AM.

  6. #6
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    The edge of the known universe
    Consider something like this:
    Node *createNode(int value)
        Node *tmp_node = NULL;
        tmp_node = malloc(sizeof(*tmp_node));
        if (!tmp_node)
            printf("error acquiring memory\n");
            node->number = value;
            node->next = NULL;
        return tmp_node;
    That is, your node is either fully initialised, or it isn't created at all.

    Also, appendlist() has only two cases.
    If there is at least one element, then appending only affects the tail. The head doesn't change.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Salem View Post
    Consider something like this:
    Node *createNode(int value)
        Node *tmp_node = NULL;
        tmp_node = malloc(sizeof(*tmp_node));
        if (!tmp_node)
            printf("error acquiring memory\n");
            node->number = value;
            node->next = NULL;
        return tmp_node;
    That is, your node is either fully initialised, or it isn't created at all.

    Also, appendlist() has only two cases.
    If there is at least one element, then appending only affects the tail. The head doesn't change.
    i take your point with the create node function as it is the program quits if it cant get any memory however if i took the program further i would have to change that so might as well sort it from the start.

    appendlist () it too me a moment but your right the elseif clause is the same as the else just worded differently.

    i did notice in one of the other if / else if / else i had a clause !(some node -> next) then in the code for that clause i had written somenode -> next = null duh!!!! thing is though i didn't just do it once i had it a couple of times


  8. #8
    TEIAM - problem solved
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    This might be something that you look at in the future, but it is good to think of now - What to do when things go wrong...

    Imagine that you are someone who has been tasked to enter in the ages for all the students in the school - They have chosen your programme because they liked the colour of your font.

    They have spent 4 hours entering data and all of the sudden there is a malloc error... They then see a message appear on the screen saying, "error acquiring memory" and it closes.

    You might get a phone call that won't go well, because to them your programme has a bug that lost half a day's work.

    It would be better to display to the user something like, "Error 101 - Could not get more memory. Please try to shut other programmes and try again. (A)bort, (R)etry, (C)ancel?"
    The user could at least try again, or cancel the operation and save the data.

    This is maybe not something that you need to worry about now, but it's good to keep it in the back of your mind
    Fact - Beethoven wrote his first symphony in C

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