Thread: is this really right

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    is this really right

    i am working on a way of scoring the hands of poker to determine the winner. im sure there has to be a better way than this because the numbers end up huge.
    9,314,160 for the max score but as you can see from the code below (if i haven't made a mistake) that's what they are.
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #define SFLUSH 394
    #define FOURKIND 212
    #define FULLHOUSE 85
    #define FLUSH 38
    #define STRAIGHT 22
    #define THREEKIND 12
    #define TWOPAIR 5
    #define PAIR 2
    int main()
        int pair_max, pair_min, two_pair_max, two_pair_min, three_kind_max, three_kind_min, straight_min, straight_max;
        long int flush_min, flush_max, full_house_min, full_house_max, four_kind_min, four_kind_max, straight_flush_min, straight_flush_max;
        straight_flush_max = 14 * SFLUSH + 13 * SFLUSH + 12 * SFLUSH + 11 * SFLUSH + 10 * SFLUSH;
        straight_flush_max *= SFLUSH;
        straight_flush_min = 6 * SFLUSH + 5 * SFLUSH + 4 * SFLUSH + 3 * SFLUSH + 2 * SFLUSH;
        straight_flush_min *= SFLUSH;
        four_kind_max = 14 * FOURKIND + 14 * FOURKIND + 14 * FOURKIND + 14 * FOURKIND + 13 * FOURKIND;
        four_kind_max *= FOURKIND;
        four_kind_min = 2 * FOURKIND + 2 * FOURKIND + 2 * FOURKIND + 2 * FOURKIND + 3 * FOURKIND;
        four_kind_min *= FOURKIND;
        full_house_max = 14 * FULLHOUSE + 14 * FULLHOUSE + 14 * FULLHOUSE + 13 * FULLHOUSE + 13 * FULLHOUSE;
        full_house_max *= FULLHOUSE;
        full_house_min = 2 * FULLHOUSE + 2 * FULLHOUSE + 2 * FULLHOUSE + 3 * FULLHOUSE + 3 * FULLHOUSE;
        full_house_min *= FULLHOUSE;
        flush_max = 14 * FLUSH + 13 * FLUSH + 12 * FLUSH + 11 * FLUSH + 9 * FLUSH;
        flush_max *= FLUSH;
        flush_min = 2 * FLUSH + 3 * FLUSH + 4 * FLUSH + 5 * FLUSH + 7 * FLUSH;
        flush_min *= FLUSH;
        straight_max = 14 * STRAIGHT + 13 * STRAIGHT + 12 * STRAIGHT + 11 * STRAIGHT + 10 * STRAIGHT;
        straight_max *= STRAIGHT;
        straight_min = 2 * STRAIGHT + 3 * STRAIGHT + 4 * STRAIGHT + 5 * STRAIGHT + 6 * STRAIGHT;
        straight_min *= STRAIGHT;
        three_kind_max = 14 * THREEKIND + 14 * THREEKIND + 14 * THREEKIND + 13 * THREEKIND + 12 * THREEKIND;
        three_kind_max *= THREEKIND;
        three_kind_min = 2 * THREEKIND + 2 * THREEKIND + 2 * THREEKIND + 3 * THREEKIND + 4 * THREEKIND;
        three_kind_min *= THREEKIND;
        two_pair_max = 14 * TWOPAIR + 14 * TWOPAIR + 13 * TWOPAIR + 12 * TWOPAIR + 11 * TWOPAIR;
        two_pair_max *= TWOPAIR;
        two_pair_min = 2 * TWOPAIR + 2 * TWOPAIR + 3 * TWOPAIR + 4 * TWOPAIR + 5 * TWOPAIR;
        two_pair_min *= TWOPAIR;
        pair_max = 14 * PAIR + 14 * PAIR + 13 * PAIR + 12 * PAIR + 11 * PAIR;
        pair_max *= PAIR;
        pair_min = 2 * PAIR + 2 * PAIR + 3 * PAIR + 4 * PAIR + 5 * PAIR;
        pair_min *= PAIR;
        printf("straight FLUSH max = %ld\n", straight_flush_max);
        printf("straight FLUSH min = %ld\n", straight_flush_min);
        printf("four of a kind max = %ld\n", four_kind_max);
        printf("four of a kind min = %ld\n", four_kind_min);
        printf("full house max = %ld\n", full_house_max);
        printf("full house min = %ld\n", full_house_min);
        printf("flush max = %ld\n", flush_max);
        printf("flush min = %ld\n", flush_min);
        printf("straight max = %d\n", straight_max);
        printf("straight min = %d\n", straight_min);
        printf("three of a kind max %d\n", three_kind_max);
        printf("three of a kind min %d\n", three_kind_min);
        printf("2 pair max = %d\n", two_pair_max);
        printf("2 pair min = %d\n", two_pair_min);
        printf("pair max = %d\n", pair_max);
        printf("pair min = %d\n", pair_min);
        printf("single card max = 59\n");
        printf("single card min = 21");
        return 0;
    gives the output of
    straight FLUSH max = 9314160
    straight FLUSH min = 3104720
    four of a kind max = 3101136
    four of a kind min = 494384
    full house max = 491300
    full house min = 86700
    flush max = 85196
    flush min = 30324
    straight max = 29040
    straight min = 9680
    three of a kind max 9648
    three of a kind min 1872
    2 pair max = 1600
    2 pair min = 400
    pair max = 256
    pair min = 64
    single card max = 59
    single card min = 21
    i did suddenly realise when i was nearly done that if i added the face values together then multiplyed by the multiplyer ^ 2 i got the same result so it ould be easy to break it down into a function to add the values toether and another to multiply everything
    many thanks
    Last edited by cooper1200; 05-14-2019 at 06:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Programming Wraith GReaper's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    I don't know jack about poker, but this stackoverflow answer seems like it explains it pretty good:
    Algorithm to give a value to a 5 card Poker hand - Stack Overflow
    Devoted my life to programming...

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