Thread: Binary Search Tree project

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    Binary Search Tree project

    So i have this university project and one of my tasks is to make a Binary Search Tree that does some operations !

    Write a program in C that will process data for student IT graduates. The data should be loaded from a text file containing the following information for each student: Student Identity, Student Name, Surname, Grade in the Data Structure course.
    The application initially reads the file and creates a BST in which each node maintains a record of the file. The BST is arranged in terms of student identity and implemented with dynamic memory management. After the BST has been created, the application displays a menu with the following options

    1) Imaging the BST with in-order intersection
    2) Search the student based on his / her identity
    3) Modification of the student's registered data based on his / her identity
    4) Delete a student record based on his / her identity
    5) Exit the application

    Specifically from what you see in my code I have trouble importing the data in BST correctly, I can not find a way to create a function that will process the data as well as I can not find a function that will delete a record from BST . Finally, the program crashes when I ask her to search for a student on the basis of his identity.

    Here is the code :

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <conio.h>
    #define MAXLEN 20
    struct record
        char id[10];
        char firstName[20];
        char lastName[20];
        char score[10];
    struct node
        char *value;
        struct node *leftptr;
        struct node *rightptr;
    typedef int (*Compare)(const char *, const char *);
    void insert(char* key, struct node** leaf, Compare cmp)
        int res;
        if( *leaf == NULL )
            *leaf = (struct node*) malloc( sizeof( struct node ) );
            (*leaf)->value = malloc( strlen (key) +1 );
            strcpy ((*leaf)->value, key);
            (*leaf)->leftptr = NULL;
            (*leaf)->rightptr = NULL;
            res = cmp (key, (*leaf)->value);
            if( res < 0)
                insert( key, &(*leaf)->leftptr, cmp);
            else if( res > 0)
                insert( key, &(*leaf)->rightptr, cmp);
                printf ("Key '%s' already in tree\n", key);
    int CmpStr(const char *a, const char *b)
        return (strcmp (a, b));
    void in_order(struct node *root)
        if( root != NULL )
            printf("   %s\n", root->value);
    void search(char* key, struct node* leaf, Compare cmp)
        int res;
        if( leaf != NULL )
            res = cmp(key, leaf->value);
            if( res < 0)
                search( key, leaf->leftptr, cmp);
            else if( res > 0)
                search( key, leaf->rightptr, cmp);
                printf("\n'%s' found!\n", key);
            printf("\nNot in tree\n");
    char *input()
        static char line[MAXLEN+1];
        printf("Please enter a string : ");
        fgets(line, sizeof line, stdin);
        return (strtok(line, "\n" ));
    void menu()
        printf("Please select one of the following options : a) Display students in order\tb) Search a student via it's id\tc)Edit students info\td)Delete a student\td)EXIT\n");
    int main()
        FILE *fileptr;
        struct node *p_root=NULL;
        int i=0,idx=0;
        struct record *pinakas;
        pinakas=(struct record *)malloc(17*sizeof(struct record));
                fscanf(fileptr,"%[^ ] %[^ ] %[^ ] %[^ \n]\n", pinakas[idx].id, pinakas[idx].firstName, pinakas[idx].lastName, pinakas[idx].score);
                insert(pinakas[idx].id, &p_root, (Compare)CmpStr);
        char *searchID;
        char option;
            else if(option=='b')
                search(searchID, &p_root, (Compare)CmpStr);
            else if(option=='c')
                printf("Edit student info\n");
            else if(option=='d')
                printf("Delete student from archives\n");
            else if(option=='e')
        return 0;
    The .txt file is like this:

    AB123456 ANNA SMITH 10.0
    AB234567 BILL WHITE 3.0
    AB345678 GEORGE REDD 7.0
    Last edited by Vasillis13; 05-10-2019 at 07:58 AM.

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