cheers this worked however I'm now having the same problem with another code and i cannot see why. see below

int main()
printf("-- Wind turbine power calculator -- \n");

double A, V, Cp, Ng, Nb, p, Pwr, d, a, h;

A = getType();

d = getDiameter();

a = getAltitude();

V = getVelocity();

Cp = getPerformance();

Ng = getGenerator();

Nb = getGearbox();

p = density(a);

printf("density =%lf \n", p);
Pwr = p*Cp*0.5*Ng*Nb*pow(V,3);

printf("Power =%0.3lf \n", Pwr);

return 0;
this is my main code i now have the correct density however same as before the power is outputting wrong values. the functions for the variables in the Pwr equation all look like this:

double getPerformance()
double Cp;

printf("\nEnter performance coefficient:");
scanf("%lf", &Cp);

if ( Cp > 0.56)
printf("Invalid input! performance coefficient must be between 0.35 and 0.56");
return getPerformance();

else if (Cp < 0.35)
printf("Invalid input! performance coefficient must be between 0.35 and 0.56");
return getPerformance();
return Cp;
the equation for power is P = (0.5 x Ng x Nb x Cp x p x V^3)
do you see anything wrong with these codes also? your help is greatly appreciated.
