Hey guys! I am really glad that I discovered this forum when I began programming.

However, I was recently given a homework assignment that I have some hard time coping with. Here are the instructions:

Several cells are arranged one after the other in a straight line. In i-th cell, a given integer ai is written (i=1,2, …, N). I start from the first cell at the left end and move right; I can choose to jump into the next cell, or into the next of the next cell. Every time I entered a cell i, I have to pay | ai | dollars, when ai is negative, or to receive ai dollars, when ai is nonnegative. At most, how many dollars can I earn?

Input: Integer values of N, a1, a2, …., aN, separated by spaces.

Output: One integer equals to the wanted profit.

Constraints: 0 < N < 100; -100 < ai < 100 for each ai


7 2 -1 3 –2 -1 6 -5

I tried several approaches, but the best I got after the test checks on the submission page is 5/10. I soon realized my algorithm is frankly a mess. I am posting below my latest solution and would be happy if you can help me out with some tips or guidelines.

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
     int n,array[100];
     int i = 0;
     int sum = 0;


         if(array[i] >= 0)
            sum += array[i];
         else if(array[i] < 0 && array[i+1] < 0)
             if(array[i] > array[i+1])
                sum += array[i];
             else if(array[i] <= array[i+1])
                 sum += array[i+1];

     printf("%d", sum);

     return 0;