I was an avid C programmer in late 1980s and early 1990s. I have written thousands of lines of C code. Those were days of limited memory availability – only 640K and with extended memory 1024K on DOS!! Software programs were developed to run on multiple platforms – OS like DOS, UNIX, WINDOWS and on various machines. C was at its best for memory optimization and platform portability.

I learned many aspects of C for platform portability and noted down points as and when I faced and solved issues. Then my focus was changed on other things and my C programming is stopped since 1994. Recently I found my hand written points so thought to share with advanced C programmers. As I have been away from C since long, I am not sure how many of these tips are still valid today in the latest versions. But this may help to know more on platform independent aspects of C.

Please Find these Tips in the attached PDF. As No. of Tips are more and PDF size increases, I have given the Tips in 3 PDF. Here is 1st PartC Programming Tips for Portability - 1.pdf