I'm supposed to make a euchre program in C. However, when I try running it the output is the following:

Nine of Hearts
Ten of Hearts
Queen of Hearts
Ace of Hearts

Jack of Hearts

It does change what the face is, but it's always X of Hearts. I think it might be #CARDS 5.

If I increase #CARDS with another number here is the output:

#CARDS 10 outputs both Hearts and Diamonds

#CARDS 15 outputs Hearts, Diamonds, and Clubs

#CARDS 20 outputs Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs, and Spades

Is there a way I can fix this to allow the suits to be randomized with #CARDS 5?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

#define CARDS 5
#define FACES 6

// *******************begin replacement section*****************************
// card structure definition
struct card {
    const char *face;
    const char *suit;

typedef struct card Card;
// *******************end replacement section*******************************
// Can also use the following code instead of begin/end replacement section
// typedef struct card {
//     const char *face;
//     const char *suit;
// } Card;
// *************************************************************************

// prototypes
void fillDeck(Card * const wDeck, const char *wFace[], const char *wSuit[]);
void shuffle(Card * const wDeck);
void deal(const Card * const wDeck);

int main(void) {
    Card deck[CARDS]; // define array of Cards

    // initialize array of pointers
    const char *face[] = {"Ace", "Nine", "Ten", "Jack", "Queen", "King"};

    // initialize array of pointers
    const char *suit[] = {"Hearts", "Diamonds", "Clubs", "Spades"};

    srand(time(NULL)); // seed RNG

    fillDeck(deck, face, suit); // load the deck with Cards
    shuffle(deck); // put Cards in random order
    deal(deck); // deal all 52 cards

// place strings into Card structures
void fillDeck(Card * const wDeck, const char *wFace[], const char *wSuit[])
    // loop through wDeck
    for (size_t i=0; i<CARDS; i++) {
        // wDeck indexing works like a normal array
        // Use . operator to access members of struct for
        // specific array elements
        wDeck[i].face = wFace[i % FACES];
        wDeck[i].suit = wSuit[i / FACES];
} // end fillDeck function

// shuffle cards
void shuffle(Card * const wDeck) {
    // loop through wDeck randomly swapping Cards
    for (size_t i=0; i<CARDS; i++) {
        size_t j = rand() % CARDS;
        Card temp = wDeck[i];
        wDeck[i] = wDeck[j];
        wDeck[j] = temp;
} // end shuffle function

// deal cards
void deal(const Card * const wDeck) {
    // loop through wDeck
    for (size_t i=0; i<CARDS; i++) {
        printf("%5s of %-8s%s\n", wDeck[i].face, wDeck[i].suit, 
                (i+1) % 4 ? "  " : "\n");
} // end deal function