Thread: 32 Byte Hex Converted To 2 byte??

  1. #16
    and the Hat of Guessing tabstop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turbo7 View Post
    I noticed that too so thinking the left needs to be changed a bit. But need the left sequence.

    They are related in the fact the right table is a visual reference (a look up table that is in order with left table controller), I.E. on my bench numbers 0270, 0267, 0264, 0261 are showing, which is Left table 9 rows up from the bottom, 10 to the right, with that you can see the numbers line up with the left table with 0F FF which is 6 up from the bottom, Now when I changed 0F FF to 0F 00 those number turned off on my bench, and noticed that numbers are all in a row. See what I mean? That why said they are related and its a reference table.

    Thank you for all your help and trying to understand I am trying to get done!
    The right-hand table can't depend solely on the left-hand table, since you have several rows that are the same on the left (the top two that are highlighted that odd shade of blue, the several rows of FF FF, a couple of F9 FDs, and some 00 0Fs) but different on the right. So there must be another aspect that is generating those numbers; I have no idea what this system is supposed to be so couldn't begin to guess what. It may be possible that changing the numbers on the left after the numbers on the right are generated may then do the masking, but unless you can be clear about events and sequencing, and what's in your control and what isn't, and why you're only seeing every other number from the table, I don't know where you can go from here.

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by tabstop View Post
    The right-hand table can't depend solely on the left-hand table, since you have several rows that are the same on the left (the top two that are highlighted that odd shade of blue, the several rows of FF FF, a couple of F9 FDs, and some 00 0Fs) but different on the right. So there must be another aspect that is generating those numbers; I have no idea what this system is supposed to be so couldn't begin to guess what. It may be possible that changing the numbers on the left after the numbers on the right are generated may then do the masking, but unless you can be clear about events and sequencing, and what's in your control and what isn't, and why you're only seeing every other number from the table, I don't know where you can go from here.
    The bench is an ECU, I hook it up and it threw only certain numbers, that is why only a few numbers show up. The table on the left are instructions of adding and sub, but I do not fully understand the ECU language. When changing left table your are changing the instructions of on or off, therefor if done right you can turn off certain numbers not just all at once. So all I know is that right table it just reference table (look up only to match the instruction table on the left) and that visually you can see what numbers the left table will be turning on or off. Its not that left table controls the right table directly, it just there to help understand. Therefore, that why I was thinking if I can match the BF FF to 0431, 0000, 0154, 0153, 0151, 0157, 0051, 0052, 0160, 1020, 0075, 2197, 0152, 0158, 0057, 0058 (because these number are in hex whether its just 1 or 2 byte order). I am thinking that BF FF is just a shorten/combined/converted of 0431, 0000, 0154, 0153, 0151, 0157, 0051, 0052, 0160, 1020, 0075, 2197, 0152, 0158, 0057, 0058 hex. I know I have seen somewhere years back that you do you that, and that what I am thinking.

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