/*I tried to make a simple program, that calculate: 
 *1) how much money will cost us a product if we have percentage decrease for it; 
 *2) how much money we can save after buying a reduced/decreased product versus its real price; */

/*I want to implement some of the two cases in switch statement, but the program does not allow me to do that, because the getchar () function is skipped*/

#include <stdio.h>

int main (void)
    float real_price, percentage;
    char ch;

    printf ("Enter the real price of the product: ");
    scanf ("%f", &real_price);
    printf ("\nEnter the percentage decrease: ");
    scanf ("%f", &percentage);

    printf ("\nPress 1 if you want to calculate the PRICE OF THE PRODUCT AFTER THE REDUCING\nPress 2 if you want to calculate THE REDUCED PRICE OF THE PRODUCT: ");
    ch = getchar ();  //this statement is not implemented

    switch (ch) {
        case '1':
            printf ("The price of the product after the reducing is: %f ", real_price - (percentage / 100) * real_price);

        case '2':
            printf ("The reduced price of the product is: %f", (percentage/100)*real_price);

            printf ("getchar () is not implemented\n");  //respectively this statement is implemented

    return 0;