I created a hashtable with separate chaining where I put structs called Chores, here is my implementation and struct:

typedef struct Chore{
    char name [8000];
    unsigned long id, duration, *deps;
    int hasDeps;

typedef struct nodehash{       /*Node of list*/
    pChore obj;
    struct nodehash*next;
And here is my functions to search a Chore by its id:

pChore search(unsigned long id){
    int i = hash(id, M);
    return searchAux(heads[i], id);

pChore searchAux(link h, unsigned long id){
    link x, t = h;
    for(t = h;t != NULL; t = t->next){
        if(t->obj != NULL && t->obj->id == id)
            x = t;

    return x->obj;
I keep getting seg fault on the searchAux function and I don't know why, I feel I'm transversing the list pretty well, can someone figure out what's wrong?