<span style="color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7); font-family: Whitney, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: rgb(54, 57, 62);">I am having great difficulties in the preparation of the following work, I would like you to help me in preparing it, because it is the first time I am programming in C language and I am having some urgency in doing this work.
Thanks for listening.
Consider the existence of the file "password.txt" that contains all the password of the company "Electrical Components S.A.". This work consists in the development of a program that allows the management of company passwords through the following functionalities:
1- Enter new password 2- Recover password, given the user's email 3- Check password security 4- Exit
The data is stored in a text file, by lines. In each line should be written the email followed by a space and the password.
Example: [email protected] DDw34! Xyz
Option 1 The user and the password to be added to the file must be requested. If this email already exists, the message "existing email" should be written and the program should return to the menu.
Option 2 To recover the password, the user must be asked for his email and the password must be written on the monitor. If there is no email address, the message "email not found!" Should be written.
Option 3 List all emails with unsecured passwords and reason. It is considered a secure password that has more than 8 characters, must contain a capital letter, a digit, and include one of the following characters ('#', '%', '&', '*', '! ').
Option 4 Quit the program.</span>