Thread: image processing

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Dec 2017

    Post image processing

    so I have some images(BMP format) where there are some numbers. I want to change the numbers' colour. the problem is that I can't understand how this thing works. I've searched on the internet and found a function GetPixel (int x, int y) that is supposed to help me change the pixel's colour, but I don't understand how it works because when I try to use isn ' recognized. can someone please help me understand how can I change a pixel's colour?

  2. #2
    Programming Wraith GReaper's Avatar
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    Apr 2009
    GetPixel() is a function for Windows only. Do you have Windows? Have you created a window for your program? Have you taken the hDC (Device Context handler) of that window correctly?
    Devoted my life to programming...

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Dec 2017
    It's pretty easy to process the bmp file directly if you want.
    A little inaccuracy saves tons of explanation. - H.H. Munro

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    I second john.c's suggestion. You might consider reading up on the BMP file format and creating your own small library to manipulate the images however you'd like.

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    found a function GetPixel (int x, int y) that is supposed to help me change the pixel's colour, but I don't understand how it works because when I try to use isn ' recognized
    To use GetPixel you need to have a handle to a device context. Before you can create one you need a handle to a bitmap. Finally you nee to find a way the save the modified bitmap. I would say it's too complicated if you have never used the Windows API.
    Do you have to do it in C ?
    In C++ you could use CImg library. The CImg Library - C++ Template Image Processing Toolkit

  6. #6
    Registered User
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    Dec 2017
    yes, i have to do it in C and not using Windows API, but Linux

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