I'm using the while((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF); method but if it's called, it goes into an infinite loop.

If the character array goes over 10, including '\n', it gets stuck in an infinite loop.

Here's the code in totality:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

static void clearInputBuffer() {
    short int clear;
    while((clear = getchar()) != '\n' && clear != EOF);

static int nonIntDetector(char *input, unsigned int stringLength) {
    short int inputCounter, intCounter, nonIntDetect, intDetect;
    char Numbers[10] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'};
    nonIntDetect = 0;
    intDetect = 0;
    for(inputCounter = 0; inputCounter < stringLength; inputCounter++)
        for(intCounter = 0; intCounter < 10; intCounter++) {
            if(input[inputCounter] == Numbers[intCounter]) {
            if(intDetect != inputCounter) {
                nonIntDetect = 1;
                puts("Numbers only, please.");
                goto nestedLoopBreak;
    return nonIntDetect;

int main() {
    short int playAgain, loopChecker, randomNumber, intInput;
    char userInput[64], anotherGame[16];
    loopChecker = 1;
    puts("Random number guessing game.");
    do {
        randomNumber = arc4random_uniform(101);
        do {
            do {
                printf("Enter your guess: ");
                fgets(userInput, sizeof(userInput), stdin);
                if(strlen(userInput) > 10) {
            while(nonIntDetector(userInput, strlen(userInput)));
            intInput = atoi(userInput);
            if(intInput > randomNumber)
                puts("Too High.");
            else if(intInput < randomNumber)
                puts("Too low.");
        while(intInput != randomNumber);
        puts("You win!");
        do {
            do {
                puts("Another game?");
                puts("1. Yes, 2. No");
                fgets(anotherGame, sizeof(anotherGame), stdin);
            while(nonIntDetector(anotherGame, strlen(anotherGame)));
            playAgain = atoi(anotherGame);
            if(playAgain == 2) {
                playAgain = 0;
                loopChecker = 0;
            else if(playAgain == 1)
                loopChecker = 0;
        while(loopChecker && puts("Invalid option."));
    while(playAgain == 1);
    return 0;