I'm working to write a program that will allow 2 players to play the dice game called "Fifty".

I apologize if this has been covered in another post but I did spend the last hour looking through previous posts that referenced dice games and could not find exactly what I was looking for.

Here are the rules of the game:
This game requires 2 players with each player taking turns to roll a pair (2) of dice. The goal is to be the first player to reach 50 points. You can only score points by rolling doubles. All doubles except for double 3s and double 6s score 5 points. Double 6s are worth 25 points and double 3s wipe out the players entire score and that player starts over again at 0. Non double rolls are 0 points.

Some program specific notes:
  • The program should allow the users to continue to play the game until they choose to quit.
  • After each roll, show the player the result (the values of the 2 die).
  • Output the scores for each player after each turn.
  • Once a player reaches 50, the program should print out a congratulatory message that includes which player won and the final score.
  • And lastly this is an exercise that should utilize a sentinel while loop.

This is a class assignment in Intro to Programming and is my first exposure to writing code (this class not this assignment) and quite frankly I am really struggling. So for this assignment I've simply started with what I know (or with what I think I know) which is to start with declaring what variables I think I will need, the printf statements to the users explaining the rules along with an attempt at the while loop.

Here's what I have so far:
int main()
    //declare variables
    int My_dice1;
    int My_dice2;
    int Your_dice1;
    int Your_dice2;
    int My_result;
    int Your_result;
    char quit;

    srand((unsigned)time(NULL));    //See random function with current time

    //Introductory message explaining what the program does and how the game is played.
    printf_s("This program will simulate the dice game Fifty which requires 2 players with each player taking turns to roll 2 die.\n");
    printf_s("The goal of Fifty is to be the first player to reach 50 points.  You get points by rolling doubles.\n");
    printf_s("All doubles except 3s and 6s score 5 points.  Double 6s are worth 25 points and double 3s wipe out the players entire score\n");
    printf_s("and the player must start again at 0.  Non-double rolls are 0 points.\n");
    printf_s("Press q to quit.\n");

    //Ask the players to roll the dice (not sure how to implement this element)

    while (quit != 'q' || My_result < 50 || Your_result < 50)
        printf("Player 1's turn.\n");
        int My_dice1 = rand() % 6 + 1;
        printf("My first throw is %d\n", My_dice1);
        int My_dice2 = rand() % 6 + 1;
        printf("My second throw is %d\n", My_dice2);
        if (My_dice1 == My_dice2)


    printf("Player 2's turn\n");
    int Your_dice1 = rand() % 6 + 1;
    printf("My first throw is %d\n", Your_dice1);
    int Your_dice2 = rand() % 6 + 1;
    printf("My second throw is %d\n", Your_dice2);

    My_result = My_dice1 + My_dice2;
    Your_result = Your_dice1 + Your_dice2;

    return 0;
Any help in any form is much appreciated.