Hello everyone. First time poster here.

I'm writing 2 functions that will copy a file. The first version of my function seems to work without any problem. I say seems to as I haven't yet run any kind of diff command to test to see if the files are actually different. I'm doing this on DOS 6.22, believe it or not, so I don't have access to a diff command.

The first version is based on some code I found online that uses fgets to copy the file line by line. I think this will only work for text files, is that correct?

int copyFile(char sFile[256], char tFile[256]) {
    char line[128];

    FILE *sourceFile;
    FILE *targetFile;

    if (fileExists(sFile) && fileExists(tFile)) {
        sourceFile = fopen(sFile,"r");
        targetFile = fopen(tFile,"w");
        while (fgets(line,sizeof line,sourceFile) != NULL) {
    } else {
I'm able to call this function as follows:

...and it works. And near as I can tell, there are no differences in the file. However, I'm wanting to figure out this other version of the function which copies 1 character at a time. If I understand this correctly, copying 1 character at a time is better?

My second version of the function works, except that it always puts an extra character at the end of the file. At first I didn't even notice the extra character as it seems to be invisible. However, when I used my function to copy the copy program I was working on, the copied version wouldn't compile because the compiler was catching the extra character.

The second version of the function is based on the code I found here C program to copy files | Programming Simplified and here C program to copy contents of one file to another file - GeeksforGeeks.

int copyFile(char sFile[256], char tFile[256]) {

    FILE *sourceFile;
    FILE *targetFile;

    char c;

    sourceFile = fopen(sFile, "r");
    if (sourceFile == NULL) {
        printf("Source file doesn't exist.\n");

    targetFile = fopen(tFile, "r");
    if (targetFile != NULL) {
        printf("Target already exists. ABORT!\n");

    targetFile = fopen(tFile, "w");
    if (targetFile == NULL) {
        printf("Can't open file for writing! Permission error?\n");

    do {
        c = fgetc(sourceFile);
        fputc(c, targetFile);
    } while (c != EOF);


To summarize, my questions are:
  1. Is the line by line copy program limited to text files only?
  2. Is the character copy version better? If so, how?
  3. Why is the character copy implementation including extra characters at the end of the file?

Thanks everyone.