Thread: Linux cp command C implementation

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Linux cp command C implementation

    Hi guys, so I've just started learning systems programming and have been trying to work on an implementation of the Linux cp command in the C language. I came across a program on these forums that works for the following cases:

    1. copy contents of one file to another
    2. copy file into a directory in the current directory.

    I was trying to add to my own code to the program so that I could copy multiple files into a directory in the current directory
    eg. (cp1 f1.txt f2.txt f3.txt dir) or (cp1 d1/d2/d3/f1.txt d4/d5/d6 f2.txt dir)

    Below is my code but im stuck. Im trying to loop through the argument values from av[1] to av[ac-2] in my main( ) function. Im stuck on how to do this loop though. How do i loop through those arguments? Help would be great!

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <fcntl.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <dirent.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/stat.h>
    #define BUFFERSIZE 1024
    #define COPYMORE 0644
    void errExit(char *, char *);
    int copyFile(char *src, char *dest);
    int dostat(char *filename);
    int mode_isReg(struct stat info);
    int main(int ac, char *av[])
      /* checks args */
      if(ac != 3)
        fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s source destination\n", *av);
       char *src = av[1];
       char *dest = av[2];
       if( src[0] != '/' && dest[0] != '/' )//cp2 file1.txt file2.txt
           copyFile(src, dest);
       else if( src[0] != '/' && dest[0] == '/' )//cp2 file1.txt /dir 
          int i;
          for(i=1; i<=strlen(dest); i++)
              dest[(i-1)] = dest[i];
          strcat(dest, "/");
          strcat(dest, src);
          copyFile(src, dest);
       //LOOP THROUGH AV[1] TO AV[AC-1] 
           //SOME STUFF HERE
           //PASS STUFF TO COPYFILE( )
          fprintf(stderr, "usage: cp1 source destination\n");
    int dostat(char *filename)
        struct stat fileInfo;
        //printf("Next File %s\n", filename);
        if(stat(filename, &fileInfo) >=0)
          return 1;
        else return 0;
    int copyFile(char *source, char *destination)
      int in_fd, out_fd, n_chars;
      char buf[BUFFERSIZE];
      /* open files */
      if( (in_fd=open(source, O_RDONLY)) == -1 )
        errExit("Cannot open ", source);
      if( (out_fd=creat(destination, COPYMORE)) == -1 )
        errExit("Cannot create ", destination);
      /* copy files */
      while( (n_chars = read(in_fd, buf, BUFFERSIZE)) > 0 )
        if( write(out_fd, buf, n_chars) != n_chars )
          errExit("Write error to ", destination);
        if( n_chars == -1 )
          errExit("Read error from ", source);
        /* close files */
        if( close(in_fd) == -1 || close(out_fd) == -1 )
          errExit("Error closing files", "");
        return 1;
      void errExit(char *s1, char *s2)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s ", s1);

  2. #2
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