I write that way, is the best way ?

    if (NULL != pFile) {
        fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_END);
        int size = ftell(pFile);

        if (0 == size) {
            printf("The file is empty \n");
        } else {
I know what i should expect in the file.

nrfronteiras is unknow before i make fscanf and store the value in vector[i].nrfronteiras.

   while (!feof(pFile)) {
        fscanf(pFile, "%s %d %d", vector[i].idarea, &vector[i].pesocomportado, &vector[i].nrfronteiras);

  for (int k = 0; k < vector[i].nrfronteiras; k++) {
            vector[i].fronteiras[k] = malloc(MAX * sizeof (char)); 
            fscanf(pFile, "%s", vector[i].fronteiras[k]);
In end i want to my program to detect a empty file and all the lines i read from the file are on the correct format.