Hey everyone, I'm new to programming and I'm having difficulty with swapping strings now. I've to come up with a program that repeatedly prompts the user to enter a word until he types GO, which terminates the loop and causes the program to print out all possible permutations of the words entered. The execution trace should look like this:

Enter a word: many
Enter a word: dogs
Enter a word: jump
Enter a word: GO
many dogs jump
many jump dogs

I used recursion to solve this, and the idea for the recursion I'm using is from this link:

Write a program to print all permutations of a given string - GeeksforGeeks

Here is my code:

#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>

void permute ( char input[][20], int index, int end );

void swap ( char *x, char *y );

int main() 
    char input [100][20] = {""}, ch;
    int n = 0, index = 0, a = 0;

    printf("Enter a word: ");
    while ( ( ch = getchar () ) != '\n' )
        input [0][a] = ch;

    while ( strcmp ( input [n] , "GO" ) != 0 )
        a = 0;
        printf("Enter a word: ");
        while ( ( ch = getchar () ) != '\n' )
            input [n][a] = ch;


    permute ( input, index, n - 1 );

    return 0; 

void permute ( char input[][20], int index, int end )
    if ( index == end )
        printf("%s\n", input [index] );

        for ( int i = index; i <= end; i++ )
            swap ( input [i], input [i+1]);
            permute ( input, index + 1, end );
            swap ( input [i], input [i+1] );


void swap ( char *x, char *y )
    char temp [20] = {""};

    strcpy ( temp, x );
    strcpy ( x, y );
    strcpy ( y, temp );

Here is my execution trace:

Enter a word: manyEnter a word: words
Enter a word: jump
Enter a word: GO

(program exited with code: 0)

Press any key to continue . . .
Terminate batch job (Y/N)?
I don't know why it does not work, I've tried using gdb to debug using the backtrace function, but I get a No Stack message.

Can someone help me out here? I've been stuck for hours. Thanks!