Thread: Coding for Nintendo 64: Memory issue

  1. #1
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    Coding for Nintendo 64: Memory issue

    Hello everyone (I'm so sorry for the length of this post)!
    I'm currently struggling to run my fairly simple code without crashing.

    I hope I can explain the problem well, I'll first describe the circumstances, then, second, how my code is supposed to work and third show the code itself.

    1. The problem
    I'm programming for the old N64 console. That is important because I can not run the code I write on my PC, I do not have the official dev-kit and thus can only test my C code by running it on the actual hardware (without a real debugger, I can draw simple text though).
    What I'm trying to do is show a very long series of spritemaps as a "film".
    Example of a spritemap:
    Since the N64 has 4MB RAM and I don't have the libraries to (de)compress the images, they are quite large in memory and I can't load the complete sequence at once.
    So I'm always showing one spritemap (a series of images), while loading the next part.
    When the first map is done playing, I switch it with the second one that was loaded while playing, free the old one and start loading the third, while the second is playing - and so on.

    So there should always be only 1 or 2 sprites in memory, each about 1.5MB and thus small enough for the RAM.

    2. The "solution"
    To do that I came up with a simple queue-structure, containing an array of filepaths (where each spritemap must be loaded from), a respective array of sprite-pointers (will point to the actual pixel-data) and two indices.
    One index for appending sprite-paths to the queue and one index for loading.

    Whenever I push a filepath to the queue, it is appended at the append-index and the append-index is incremented.

    Whenever I call the load() - function, I load the file-path at the load-index and store the data in the sprite-array at the load-index.
    The load-index is then incremented.
    The load function however only executes if I have enough memory left to load the file.
    Each time I load a file I add to a counter by the amount of bytes I allocate.
    I also subtract from that counter whenever freeing a sprite.

    When popping (returning the 0th sprite-pointer in the queue), I shift both the sprite- and path-array to the left, so the 0th index will be overwritten by the 1st (and so on).

    For the current case, I know that each spritemap I load is roughly 1.5 MB big.
    That means there should only 2 be loaded at the same time, loading a third would result in a crash (and I think that's what is happening all the time).

    3. The (simplified) code

    the queue-structure:
    #define QUEUE_MAX 16
    typedef struct
        char paths[QUEUE_MAX][64];
        sprite_t* sprites[QUEUE_MAX];
        int append_index;
        int load_index;
    } sprite_queue;
    pushing a file-path to the queue, so it will be loaded at some point:
    void push(char path[])
        if(queue->append_index == QUEUE_MAX) 
            tools_print("sprite loading queue full!");
        snprintf(queue->paths[queue->append_index], 64, "%s", path);
    the load-function which gets called ~10 times a second
    void load_next()
        // only load if we have not already loaded all sprites in the queue
        if(queue->load_index == queue->append_index)
            // tools_print("nothing to load!");
        // only load if we have enough space left
        // graphics_memory is set to 1.8MB so another 1.5MB file fits in if we are  
        // just below
        if(gfxBytes >= graphics_memory) // if number of allocated bytes < than limit of 1.8 MB
            tools_print("waiting for memory to be freed");
        queue->sprites[queue->load_index] = load_sprite(queue->paths[queue->load_index]);
    sprite_t* pop()
        sprite_t* ret = queue->sprites[0]; // gonna return this
        for(int i = 0 ; i < sprite_loading_queue->append_index - 1; i++) // shift 1 left
            queue->sprites[i] = queue->sprites[i + 1];
            snprintf(queue->paths[i], 64, queue->paths[i + 1]);
            queue->sprites[i] = queue->sprites[i + 1];
        return ret;
    main game-loop:
    char baseName[9] = {"dirPath/"}; // length + 1 for terminator
    char spriteName[64];
    sprite_t* play0 = load_sprite("dirPath/0.sprite");
    int frame = 1, maxFrame = 33, offset = 0, maxOffset = 35;
    // frame is the current number of the sprite, offset is the tile IN the sprite
    // so here whe have a maximum of 33 sprites and 36 tiles each
            if(offset == maxOffset) // last tile reached
                if(has_next()) // next sprite is ready
                    offset = 0;
                    if(frame == maxFrame) // last frame reached
                        frame = 0;
                    } else frame++;
                    free_sprite(play); // frees and subtracts the number of bytes from counter
                    play = pop(); // get the loaded sprite
                    snprintf(spriteName, 64, "%s%d.sprite", baseName, frame);
            } else offset++;
           // do sth cool with the sprite here
    freeing a sprite and subtracting from byte-cound:
    void free_sprite(sprite_t *sprite)
        if(sprite == NULL) return;
        // size of sprite in bytes is the size of the sprite_t structure + the number of pixels in the pixel-data array (an array of uint16_t, which is a flexible array member)
        int s = -sizeof(uint16_t) 
                    * (int) (sprite->width)
                    * (int) (sprite->height)
                    - sizeof(sprite_t); 
        tools_changeGfxBytes(s); // add the negative s to the byte-count
        // i do the same thing the other way around (positive) when loading a sprite
    I hope you can make out an error here, because I really can't.
    What I found out so far is this:
    There is no constant memory leak, I tried running the code with smaller images, those were loaded again and again and again and the program never crashed.

    With the large images the code always crashes after...
    - loading the first sprite // ~1.5 MB in use now
    - pushing the next filepath onto the queue
    - loading that path // ~ 3.0 MB in use now
    - freeing the first sprite // ~ 1.5 MB in use now
    - popping the new sprite
    - pushing the next filepath onto the queue
    then the crash.

    What happens almost immediately after that last push must have been the loading method, somehow allocating more memory than there was left in RAM.
    But how is that possible if I just "freed it down to" 1.5 MB?

    Is my queue garbage (that's my best guess right now)?

    Thanks if you made it all the way here and I would be grateful for any help.

  2. #2
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    > queue->sprites[queue->load_index] = load_sprite(queue->paths[queue->load_index]);
    > sprite_loading_queue->load_index++;
    So what's the difference between 'queue' and 'sprite_loading_queue' ?

    > the load-function which gets called ~10 times a second
    This suggests you have multiple threads, but nothing you've written is remotely thread-safe as to your queues.

    Does load_sprite() always take the same amount of memory regardless of the sprite being loaded?
    Loading 1.5Mb in a single block with only 4Mb available is going to be very sensitive to memory fragmentation. You might physically have enough bytes available, but if the system can't locate a contiguous block, you still lose.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  3. #3
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    So what's the difference between 'queue' and 'sprite_loading_queue' ?
    Dang it. It is actually called sprite_loading_queue, I just shortened it here for readability, sorry!
    No difference.

    This suggests you have multiple threads, but nothing you've written is remotely thread-safe as to your queues.
    Right, forgot to mention that!
    I don't really have threads (yet), I can only specify to call a certain function every x microseconds.
    I hope to find a way to use multiple threads on the system at some point, but right now there's just a little hickup when the load-function is called.

    Does load_sprite() always take the same amount of memory regardless of the sprite being loaded?
    No, it takes as much memory as it needs to load the file. All files that I currently load are about 1.5 MB big though.
    I should have posted the code, here it is:

    sprite_t* load_sprite(char* name) { int fp = dfs_open(name); int newSize = dfs_size( fp ); tools_changeGfxBytes(newSize); sprite_t *newSprite = malloc( newSize ); dfs_read( newSprite, 1, newSize, fp ); dfs_close( fp ); return newSprite; }
    You might physically have enough bytes available, but if the system can't locate a contiguous block, you still lose.
    I did not think of that at all!
    I do not load anything else though, shouldn't there always be enough contiguous space at all times?
    But I'll try to cut the sprite into more, smaller pieces.

    Thanks a lot Salem!
    Last edited by fulumbler; 03-08-2017 at 02:43 PM.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by fulumbler View Post
    I do not load anything else though, shouldn't there always be enough contiguous space at all times?
    Of course not, I'm an idiot.

  5. #5
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    If you know you have to commit to having at most two sprites in memory, and you can live with what's left, you could do something like this.
    static char spriteMem[2][1024*1024*3/2];  // 2 lots of 1.5Mb
    static char spriteState[2] = { 0 };
    void *spriteMalloc( ) {
      if ( spriteState[0] == 0 ) {
        spriteState[0] = 1;
        return spriteMem[0];
      if ( spriteState[1] == 0 ) {
        spriteState[1] = 1;
        return spriteMem[1];
      // oops!!!
      return NULL;
    void spriteFree(void *ptr) {
      if ( ptr == spriteMem[0] ) {
        spriteState[0] = 0;
      if ( ptr == spriteMem[1] ) {
        spriteState[1] = 0;
      // oops!!!
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  6. #6
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    The idea of not constantly freeing and allocating did not even come to my mind.
    I'm doing that now and got it work, thank you so much for your time Salem!
    Sadly I can't really say what the initial error was, but your way makes it less complicated and that certainky helps.

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