how do i access the array within argv, this is what i have so far
say if i typed this at the command prompt: hw6 -fl john smith 12/20/2001, it should go to the word smith and capitalize the first letter and prints it Smith. Also, loops the whole thing and do it again and again if there are more then 1 name.

if (((cOption1 == FLCAPITALIZED) && (cOption2 == LASTNAME)) ||
((cOption2 == FLCAPITALIZED) && (cOption1 == LASTNAME))) {

do {

a = x * j;
last[0] = ((argv[a][1]) - 32);

for (i = 2; i < 40; i++) {
last[i] = (argv[a][i]);


printf ("%s\n", last[i]);


} while ((argv[a+2]) != '\0');


Thank You