The following is the code that I am currently struggling with:
I want to have a function pointer whose return type can be of any data type and whose arguments can be of any data type (there can be multiple arguments).
int* numbers(int *);
char* alphabets(char[]);
void* functions(void* (*myfunction)(void *));
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    typedef void* (*myfunction)(void*);
    myfunction fun = &numbers;    
    char *array, letters[20] = {'v','i','v','e','n','\0'};
    int a = 2;
    int *y;
    y = fun(&a);
    fun = &alphabets;
    array = fun(letters);

int* numbers(int *k)
    return k;

char* alphabets(char *ptr)
    return ptr;

void* functions(void* (*myfunction)(void *))
    return myfunction;    
The above code is my attempt to achieve generic function pointer.

Thank you.