The customer will be assigned a random number for his/her balance.

First, the customer is prompted to enter his personal identification number pin (for this case study, we test only if this pin is formed by 4 digits! otherwise, a message like “Invalid PIN, try again . . .” will be displayed) and the user is re-prompted to enter the pin. The customer is given three chances to enter his pin. If he/she fails during the three trials you display a message like “Sorry you can’t continue, contact your bank for assistance!”

If the pin is correct (formed by 4 digits), then the system will ask the customer for the receipt ( 1 for YES and 2 for NO ) and a menu will displayed containing five possible options to choose from: Fast Cash, Deposit, Withdraw, Balance and Get Card Back.

Here is the explanation of each of the 5 options:

Get Card Back: Display the message “Goodbye! “and exit the program.

Fast Cash: Let the customer choosing the amount of cash from a menu similar to the following:
1 --> $20.00 $40.00 <-- 2
3 --> $80.00 $100.00 <-- 4

Withdraw: Prompt the user for the amount of money he/she would like to withdraw and make the sure that he/she has enough money for that!

Deposit: Prompt the customer for the amount of deposit.

Balance: Just display the amount of money the customer has.

Don’t forget to print the receipt if the customer wants one.

Sample execution: bolded text represents the user entry

Virtual Bank at West

Enter Pin: 245
Invalid PIN, Re-enter Pin: 5487
(clear screen )

Receipt y or Y -> Yes No <- n or N
Enter choice: N

(Clear screen)


1 -> Fast Cash Withdraw <- 2
3 -> Deposit Check Balance <- 4
5 -> Get Card Back

Enter your choice: 4

(Clear screen)
Your Balance is : $124.32

1 -> Another Transaction Get Card Back <- 2

Enter your choice: 1

(Clear screen)


1 -> Fast Cash Withdraw <- 2
3 -> Deposit Check Balance <- 4
5 -> Get Card Back

Enter your choice: 2

(Clear screen )

Enter amount (enter 0 to cancel): 300.00
Sorry not enough balance
Enter amount (enter 0 to cancel): 30.00
Take your cash…

(Clear screen)

Your Balance is: $124.32

1 -> Another Transaction Get Card Back <- 2

Enter your choice: 1

(Clear screen)


1 -> Fast Cash Withdraw <- 2
3 -> Deposit Check Balance <- 4
5 -> Get Card Back

Enter your choice: 8
Invalid Entry

(Clear screen)


1 -> Fast Cash Withdraw <- 2
3 -> Deposit Check Balance <- 4
5 -> Get Card Back

Enter your choice: 5

(Clear screen)

Im not looking for a huge block of code answering this problem. Im looking for guidance on how I would construct this program, would I start with a menu than from that menu use different functions for each option?

Just any advice would help me!