
I am new to c programming and am in a college c-programming course. I just completed the chapter in my textbook pertaining to pointers and completed one of the challenge questions at the end of the chapter.

Request some feedback on this program. It works. It does what it's supposed to do. However, I want to know what you experienced c-programmers would do differently.

The problem: create a program to allow a user to roll up to six die and store the die in an array. Build a function to perform the dice roll and storage of the dice in the array.

Here's my source code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

void TossDie(int, int [], int *);
void CPU_TossDie(int, int [], int *);
void WhoWon(int, int);
void DelayGame(int);
void GetDieNum(int *);

int main(void) 
    int iNumDice = 0;
    int dice[6];
    int CPU[6];
    int x;
    int iDelay = 2;
    int iSum = 0;
    int iResult = 0;
    int *iDptr, *iRptr, *iNptr;
    int iMenu_Selection = 0;
    iNptr = &iNumDice;
    iDptr = &iSum;
    iRptr = &iResult;
        printf("\nPress ENTER to roll %d die!", iNumDice);
        getchar(); //need two getchar to function properly
        TossDie(iNumDice, dice, &iSum); //function to roll user selected # of die and store in dice[]
        printf("\n\nYour score:  %d", iSum);
        DelayGame(iDelay); //delay 
        printf("\n\nCPU's turn to roll %d die!\n", iNumDice);
        DelayGame(iDelay); //delay 

        CPU_TossDie(iNumDice, CPU, &iResult); //function to roll user selected # of die for CPU's turn and store in CPU[];
        printf("\n\nCPU score:  %d\n", iResult);
        DelayGame(iDelay); //delay 

        WhoWon(iSum, iResult); //function to check and display the winner


        printf("\n1 - Play Again");
        printf("\n2 - Quit");
        printf("\nEnter your selection (1-2):  ");
        scanf("%d", &iMenu_Selection);
    } while (iMenu_Selection != 2);
    return 0;

void GetDieNum(int *iNumDice)
        printf("\nSelect the number of die to toss (1-6): ");
        scanf("%d", iNumDice);
        if (*iNumDice > 6)
            printf("\n***Error: number cannot exceed 6.  Try again.***\n\n"); //error message
    } while (*iNumDice > 6);

void DelayGame(int x)
    int iCurrentTime = 0;
    int iElapsedTime = 0;
    iCurrentTime = time(NULL);
        iElapsedTime = time(NULL);
    } while ((iElapsedTime - iCurrentTime) < x);

void TossDie(int iNumDice, int array[], int *iSum)
    int x, iIndex, iCurrentTime, iElapsedTime;

    *iSum = 0;
    for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < iNumDice; iIndex++)
        x = (rand() % 6) +1;
        array[iIndex] = x;
        printf("\nDice #%d rolled %d", iIndex + 1, array[iIndex]);
        iCurrentTime = time(NULL);//delay random number generation to seed different numbers from srand()
            iElapsedTime = time(NULL);
        } while ((iElapsedTime - iCurrentTime) < .5);
        *iSum += array[iIndex];

void CPU_TossDie(int iNumDice, int array[], int *iResult)
    int x, iIndex, iCurrentTime, iElapsedTime;

    *iResult = 0;
    for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < iNumDice; iIndex++)
        x = (rand() % 6) +1;
        array[iIndex] = x;
        printf("\nDice #%d rolled %d", iIndex + 1, array[iIndex]);
        iCurrentTime = time(NULL);//delay random number generation to seed different numbers from srand()
            iElapsedTime = time(NULL);
        } while ((iElapsedTime - iCurrentTime) < .5);
        *iResult += array[iIndex];

void WhoWon(int iSum, int iResult)
    if (iSum > iResult)
        printf("\nYou win!  You score %d more than the CPU.\n\n", iSum - iResult);
    else if (iSum < iResult)
        printf("\nYou lose!  CPU scored %d more than you.\n\n", iResult - iSum);
    else if (iSum == iResult)
        printf("\nDraw!  Both you and the CPU scored %d\n\n", iSum);
    printf("\nPress Enter to go to MENU");